August 16, 2018

Work Session of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 5:00 P.M.

August 16, 2018

  1.  Call Meeting to Order – Mayor Roberts


Council Members Present:  John Byrd, Mickey O’Malley and Lee Prettyman


Council Members Absent:  Frank Homiller and Andrenia Stoner


Staff Present:  Donna England, Bryon Reeves, Abby Roach, Eric Wilmarth and Karen Jordan


  1. Review/Discuss the proposed City of Ball Ground Downtown District Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Study.  The regular monthly meeting of the City Council will begin at 7:00 PM.


Mr. Dan Reuter, the consultant hired to lead the Livable Centers Initiative Study presented the final report to Mayor and City Council for review.


  1. Adjourn

There being no further business for Council consideration the meeting was adjourned.


The minutes of this August 18, 2018 Council Meeting approved this 27th Day of September 2018.


_____________________________ _____________________________

Mayor A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem Frank Homiller


_____________________________ _____________________________

John Byrd, Council Member Mickey O’Malley Council Member


_____________________________ _____________________________

Lee Prettyman, Council Member Andrenia Stoner, Council Member





Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

Re Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

August 16, 2018

  1.  Call Meeting to Order – Mayor Roberts

Council Members Present:  John Byrd, Frank Homiller (by phone) Mickey O’Malley and Lee Prettyman

Andrenia Stoner was absent


Staff Present:  Donna England, Bryon Reeves, Abby Roach, Eric Wilmarth and Karen L. Jordan


  1.  Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Appearances

Presentation by Ball Ground Lions Club

Ball Ground Lions Club Members Nancy Sosebee Madden, Sue and Glenn Densmore and Jennifer Anglin presented Mayor Roberts with an $8,000.00 check to be applied to the cost of installing a heat/air conditioning system in City Gym.  The money is proceeds from their annual Summer Fest 5K Race.


Mayor Roberts and Council Member commended the Lions Club Members for their dedication and commitment to making Ball Ground the best place to live, work and play.


  1. Announcements – City Manager Eric Wilmarth

August 25th, 2018 – T James Band will perform at 7:00 PM

September 8th – Local Legends will perform at 7:00 PM


  1. Consider Approval of July 12, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2018 Council Meeting as submitted in writing.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Old Business
  1. Consider Second Reading of Application for New Alcohol License

Applicant:  Sanvi Business, LLC/DBA Chevron Food Mart-Mikramdip Sign

Location:  155 Howell Bridge Rd


Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member

Byrd to approve the application as submitted.

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider Second Reading of An Ordinance Amending Article II (Alcoholic Beverage Dealers)


Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the Ordinance as read.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Division 3 (Operational Rules) Section 4-111 (Hours of Operation of the Code of the City of Ball Ground, Georgia

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the Ordinance as read.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. New Business
  1. Consider Fire Services Agreement with Cherokee County

Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between Cherokee County and the City of Ball Ground for fire and emergencies services, as well as the addition of fire inspection services for a period of five (5) years and shall automatically renew for an additional five (5) years, unless the governing authority of one or both parties takes affirmative action not to renew at the term of the initial term as outlined in the Agreement.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider first reading of revised Defined Benefit Plan Ordinance.

Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the first reading of An Ordinance to amend and restate the Retirement Plan for the Employees of the City of Ball Ground, GA in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Adoption Agreement, any Addendum to the Adoption Agreement, the Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (GMEBS) Master Plan Document, and the GMEBS Trust Agreement. When accepted by the authorized officers of the City and GMEBS, the foregoing shall constitute a Contract between the City and GMEBS, all as authorized and provided by O.C.G.A. §47-5-1 et seq.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider adoption of Short Term Work Plan

City Manager Wilmarth presented the 2018-2022 Short Term Work Program (STWP) for review and consideration of adoption to Mayor Roberts and Council Members.  City Manager Wilmarth also noted that this document is a component of the City’s Comprehensive Work Plan that is sent to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA).


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to adopt the Five (5) Year Short Term Work Program as submitted.

Motion Unanimously Approved.


  1. Consider adoption of Capital Improvements Plan

City Manager Wilmarth presented the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the period 2018-2023 for review and consideration of adoption to Mayor Roberts and Council Members.


City Manager Wilmarth stated the plan runs according to the SPLOST revenue and outlines capital projects identified through SPLOST, STWP, LCI and other studies necessary for completion.


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as submitted.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider appointment to Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

Mayor Roberts recommended Council consider the appointment of Sheri Little to fill a vacancy on the Downtown Development Authority Board.


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to appoint Sheri Little to fill a vacancy on the Downtown Development Authority Board.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider Adoption of LCI Study

Mr. Dan Reuter presented the Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Study in a power point presentation to Mayor Roberts, Council Members and Staff in a Work Session prior to tonight’s council meeting.


The Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) is a program developed by the Atlanta Regional Commission that awards planning grants to local governments to prepare and implement plans to enhance existing activity centers and corridors. The program also awards Federal transportation funding to implement the transportation elements (i.e. streetscapes, pedestrian connections) of LCI studies.


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to adopt the Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Study as presented in writing.

Motion Unanimously Approved


Mayor Roberts thanked the members of the Core Team involved in compiling the information for the LCI Study.


  1. City Managers Report

A written and oral operational and financial report was presented to Council Members by City Manager Wilmarth


A written operational report of the Police Department’s activity for the month ended July 31, 2018, was presented by Chief Reeves.


  1. Mayor Roberts Comments

Mayor Roberts reported that he along with Cherokee County Mayors and City Managers have been meeting with a consultant to discuss The Service Delivery Strategy agreement.


  1. Council Members Comments

Each council member thanked members of the Lions Club for all they do for Ball Ground.  Their service and commitment to the City is to be commended.


Council Members thanked and expressed appreciation to Chief Reeves and his department for their work.


Council Member Homiller asked if downtown parking was still an issue.


City Manager Wilmarth stated he had talked with the downtown merchants at a meeting earlier in the week about the downtown parking issue.  Several ideas were discussed. City Manager Wilmarth stated he will be talking with the business owners again to further discuss options and ideas as to how to address the issues.


  1. Public Comments

Glenn Densmore thanked Mayor Roberts, Council Members and Staff for their support of the Ball Ground Lions Club.


Mayor Roberts told Mr. Densmore that the Ball Ground Lions Club is the most civic minded club anywhere around thanked him for all he does for the community.

Kyle Wolfe of 203 Lower Dove Court asked for an update of street repairs before the final paving of streets in the Sage Hill Development.


Mayor Roberts stated all the issues would be addressed before the final asphalt was applied.


Nancy Sosebee Madden, President of the Ball Ground Historical Society announced that on September 29, 2018 the Historical Society plans to hold a 135th Birthday Celebration of the City at the Community Center beginning at 10:00 AM.


Ball Ground churches, organizations, businesses, families and the elementary school are being asked to prepare a display table to include photos, historical documents, memorabilia and really any kind of historical presentation that shows its history and operation in Ball Ground.


Mrs. Madden made a formal request to Mayor Roberts and Council Members to use the City Seal on a commemorative t-shirt which the Historical Society would sale at the event.


Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion; Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the Historical Society’s request to use the City Seal on a commemorative t-shirt with the condition the mayor and city council approve the design.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Executive Session (If Needed)


  1. Adjourn

There being no further business for consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn at 8:15 PM.

The minutes of this August 18, 2018 Council Meeting approved this 27th Day of September 2018.


_____________________________ _____________________________

Mayor A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem Frank Homiller


_____________________________ _____________________________

John Byrd, Council Member Mickey O’Malley Council Member


_____________________________ _____________________________

Lee Prettyman, Council Member Andrenia Stoner, Council Member





Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

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