Southern Highlands Bike Race

Hello Ball Ground:

This weekend is the big race! The Tour of the Southern Highlands will return to Ball Ground for a two-day racing event.

Saturday morning from 8:00 am-Noon – the racers will have their time trails. Racers will depart from City Hall every 30 seconds, heading south on Valley Street – and turning around just north of the pharmacy and returning to City Hall. To access Ball Ground Pharmacy please use Howell Bridge East.

Saturday afternoon Racers will use a course – leaving City Hall on Valley Street, turning west on Depot Street to Old Canton Road. Old Canton Road north to Commerce Lane. Commerce Lane west to Canton Highway. Canton Highway south, thru the traffic light and down to Howell Bridge Road. East on Howell Bridge East, then North on Valley Street. Valley Street will remain closed to thru traffic between Coy M. Holcomb and Depot Street. Other streets will remain open, but please be on the lookout for Cyclists as they will be on the course all afternoon. Police vehicles will be very visible on the race route.

On Sunday beginning at 8:00 am Valley Street will again be closed. The race route will be north on Valley Street, West on Depot, North on Old Canton, West on A.W. Roberts, North on Canton Hwy then west on Mineral Springs Road. The riders will race a 22-mile course out thru the County – returning to the City on Howell Bridge Road, back to Valley Street and do it again.

Please take the time to come downtown – eat, shop, relax and then take up a good viewing position near the plaza downtown, or near City Hall and enjoy some high-speed bicycle racing.

Please put next Thursday, March 8th, 2018 on your calendar for our monthly meeting of Mayor and Council. The agenda will be up on the website by Friday of this week.

Have a wonderful weekend – and please be aware of cyclists.

Minutes-May 2, 2017 Joint City/County Meeting

Special Called Meeting of the Ball Ground City Council
And Cherokee County Board of Commissioners

Cherokee County Admin Complex,
1130 Bluffs Parkway, Canton, GA30114
6:00 P.M.

May 2, 2017

The City of Ball Ground Mayor and City Council met in joint session with the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners to discuss the renewal of the Joint Comprehensive Plan.

Council Members Present: John Byrd, Frank Homiller, Mickey O’Malley and Andrenia Stoner

Council Member Lee Prettyman was absent

City Manager Eric Wilmarth and City Clerk Karen Jordan were present.
Chairman Ahrens recognized from City of Ball Ground, Mayor Rick Roberts; Councilman John Byrd; Councilman Frank Homiller, Councilman Mickey O’Malley; Councilwoman Andrenia Stoner; City Manager, Eric Wilmarth; and City Clerk, Karen Jordan
Margaret Stallings presented an outline of the new Comprehensive Plan. She covered four topics in her presentation which included: what is a comprehensive plan, what does the update process look like, different avenues and opportunities for public engagement and what are the next steps. She stated that the Comprehensive Plan is a document that includes the vision and elements that address critical issues in the jurisdiction. She gave a list of elements on the plan and stated that the top four elements listed were required as part of the state planning regulations, and they included: population & housing; transportation; land use; and economic development. She stated that there were other elements of the plan that would be addressed as well. She stated that under the “how does the plan work” section of the outline, the plan identifies strategies and steps for implementation and includes a short-term work plan, which is a five year prioritized list, and a capital improvement element, which is tied to the impact fee program. She stated that the capital improvement element covers items that would be purchased or billed that will last at least ten years and how those would be funded. Ms. Stallings reviewed the “update process” section of the outline which contained three phases. The first phase, public engagement, she described as an intense public engagement that would last for the six months. She stated that in the public engagement there would be critical issues forums in Canton and Woodstock, six target area workshops led by a consultant, and would be geographically focused. The areas would include the City of Ball Ground, City of Waleska, State Route 20 East, Hickory Flat, Southwest Cherokee and the Airport area. She stated that an advisory committee would meet several times during the process and provide feedback regarding the progression of the document. She stated that the second phase would be unveiling of a draft plan and two more public meetings would be held to get input on the draft, and the last phase being the transmittal to the State for their review and the final adoption of the plan.
Ms. Stallings reviewed key dates and the timeline for 2017 and 2018 and stated that May 2, 2017, is the kickoff date and October 31, 2018, would be the adoption deadline. She covered the “public engagement” section of the outline, stating that the purpose of the public engagement would be to target people who are in the county for a variety of reasons, and that the public engagement obtains feedback on issues facing the county in the next 20 years, and provides clear and concise information to the public throughout the process. She stated that the public would have opportunities for engagement in-person and online through the advisory committee meetings, critical issues forums, target area workshops, draft plan reviews and HQ website which would be available 24/7. Ms. Stallings reviewed the “next steps” as being finalizing the advisory committee, which needs to include members of the Planning Commission, one elected official, and a Development Authority representative; unveiling the engagement HQ website in Mid-May; preparing for critical issues forums in June; and the market study development.
Following the presentation of the new Comprehensive Plan made by Margaret Stallings, Ball Ground Mayor Roberts came forth to speak. He thanked the Board of Commissioners for hosting the Public Hearing and stated that he appreciated the partnership of the County and working with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the joint process that the City of Ball Ground and City of Waleska participates in is the most efficient for the taxpayers.
Mayor Roberts then called to order the special meeting for the City of Ball Ground for the purpose of initiating the update for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. He stated that there were four council members present and requested a motion to approve the Resolution to initiate the Plan.
Frank Homiller made a motion to update the plan; Andrenia Stoner seconded.
Motion Unanimously Approved

There being no further business for council consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn.

The minutes of this May 2, 2017, City Council Meeting approved this 11th Day of May 2017.

January 11, 2018

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

January 11, 2018

1. Meeting Called to Order and Swearing in of Mayor Rick Roberts and Council Members John Byrd and Mickey O’Malley

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Appearances
• James Bence, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC – Presentation of Financial Audit for Period Ended June 30, 2017

4. Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

5. Consider Approval of December 14, 2017 Minutes

6 Old Business
a) Consider Second Reading of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Retail Sale of Dogs & Cats

7. New Business
a) Consider Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem
b) Consider Appointment of 2018 Department Heads, Committees and Board Members
c) Reaffirm Check Signers for any/all banking/checking accounts
d) Consider Adoption of Fee Schedule
e) Consider Establishing and Fixing Qualifying Fees for Municipal Elections per
O.C.G.A. §21-2-131(1)(a) and election qualifying dates.
f) Consider Adoption of City of Ball Ground Zoning Map
g) Consider Arbor Day Proclamation
h) Consider “Opt In” to District Regional Program for Commercial Indoor Water Use Assessments
i) Discussion of Public Parking Time Limits in Downtown
j) Consider 1st Reading of Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Ordinance
k) Consider Zoning Request by Feroz Ali for 5.45 acres located at 8049 and 8051 Ball Ground Hwy.
l) Consider Ordinance To Prohibit the Use of ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES (ATV’s) within the incorporated limits of the city

8. City Manager’s Report

9. Mayor’s Report

I0. Council Members’s Reports

11. Public Comments

12. Executive Session (If Needed)

13. Adjourn

December 14, 2017

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

December 14, 2017

1. Meeting Called to Order to order by Mayor Rick Roberts.

Present for the Meeting were:
Frank Homiller, Council Member
Mickey O’Malley, Council Member
Andrenia Stoner, Council Member
Donna England, Finance Officer
Bryon Reeves, Police Chief
Whit Frost, City Attorney
Eric Wilmarth, City Manager
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

Absent: John Byrd, Council Member
Lee Prettyman, Council Member

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager
• City Hall closed Monday, December 25, 2017, and January 1, 2018
• January 9, 2018, Joint City-County Public Hearing for the Feroz Ali rezoning request. The meeting begins at 7 PM at the County Administration Building. A quorum of the City Council is needed at this meeting.

Council Member Stoner opened discussion on the days City Hall would be closed for Christmas and New Years. She asked what days other cities would be closed.

Following discussion Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to close City Hall on December 25th and 26th and January 1st and 2nd.
Motion Unanimously Approved

4. Consider Approval of October 12, 2017, Council Meeting Minutes     (November meeting canceled)
Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2017, Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

5. Old Business – None

6. New Business
a) Consider Ordinance Prohibiting the Retail Sale of Dogs & Cats
Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the first reading of such ordinance that would prohibit the sale, delivery, offer for sale, barter, auction or otherwise dispose of dogs or cats.
Motion Unanimously Approved

b) Consider Resolution Affirming Ball Ground a Certified City of Ethics
Mayor Roberts submitted Resolution No. 2017-12 which affirms The City of Ball Ground as a Certified City of Ethics under the Georgia Municipal Association Certified City of Ethics Program for Council consideration

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the adoption of Resolution 2017-12.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

c) Consider Resolution To Authorize and Direct City Official to Execute GMA Lease Document to Purchase Police Vehicle

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the Resolution as related to the Master Lease with the Georgia Municipal Association for the purchase of a 2018 Ford All Wheel Drive Explorer.
Motion Unanimously Approved

d) Consider Bids Received for 1 Acre Tract of Church St. Surplus Property
City Manager Wilmarth announced the highest bid received on GoveDeals for the one-acre tract located on Church Street was $41,000.00. The established minimum bid set by Council was $60,000.00. City Manager recommended Council Members reject all bids and rebid the property in 2018.

Council Member Homiller put forth a motion; Seconded by Council Member Stoner to reject any and all bids received on the one-acre Church Street property and rebid the property in 2018.
Motion Unanimously Approved

7. City Manager Comments
A written and oral operational and financial report was given to Mayor and Council Members by City Manager Wilmarth.

8. Mayor Roberts & City Council Comments
Mayor Roberts and Council Members scheduled the annual planning retreat for Saturday, February 17, 2018, beginning at 8:30 AM. Location to be determined at a later date.

There being no further business for Council consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn at 7:50 PM.

The minutes of this December 14, 2017, City Council Meeting will be considered for approval at January 11, 2018, Council Meeting.

October 12, 2017

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

October 12, 2017

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Rick Roberts.

Council Members Present: John Byrd, Frank Homiller, Lee Prettyman and Andrenia Stoner

Staff Present: Donna England, Michael Chapman, Darrell Caudill, Eric Wilmarth and Karen Jordan

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Appearances
Recognizing and Presenting a Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week
Mayor Roberts read a proclamation declaring October 23-30 as Red Ribbon Week in the City of Ball Ground and presented the proclamation to Young Marine Private First Class Spratling, Young Marine Private Rowell, and Young Marine Private Shockley.

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager
• October 19 Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Team Meeting
• October 27 Spooktacular and Movie in the Park
• December 2 March of the Toys – Toys for Tots Parade

Item 5: Consider Approval of August 10, 2017, Council Meeting Minutes
Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the minutes of the August 10. 2017 Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.
Motion Unanimously Approved

Item 6: Old Business
a) Consider Second Reading of New Ordinance to The Code of The City of Ball Ground Chapter 28 Titled Utilities; Division 3. Sewers: Prohibiting private wastewater systems within the City of Ball Ground service delivery area.
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the second reading of this ordinance as submitted at the September Council Meeting.
Motion Unanimously Approved

b) Consider Second Reading of Special Events Policy and Procedure
Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the second reading of this policy and procedure as related to special events as submitted at the September Council Meeting.
Motion Unanimously Approved

Item 7: New Business
a) Ratify Decision to Award Bid to Construct Senior Center
City Manager Wilmarth announced two (2) bids were submitted for the construction of the new Senior Center.

Company Bid Amount
Latimer Construction Co. LLC $283,300.00
W.E. Contracting $365,939.00

City Manager Wilmarth stated because of time constraints the Executive Committee comprised of Mayor Roberts, Council Member Frank Homiller and himself met to review the bids. City Manager Wilmarth stated the Executive Committee decided to award the contract to Latimer Construction Co., LLC in the amount of $283,300.00.

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the decision of the Executive Board to award the contract to Latimer Construction Co., LLC to construct the Ball Ground Senior Center in the amount of $283,300.00.
Motion Unanimously Approved

b) Consider Purchase of New Police Vehicle
Chief Reeves submitted a proposal to purchase a new police vehicle through the Georgia Municipal Association Lease Purchase Program. The vehicle of choice is a 2018 Ford All Wheel Drive Explorer.

Base Price of Vehicle $25,776.00
Emergency Equipment $13,950.19
Total Price Delivered $39,726.19

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the purchase of the 2018 Ford All Wheel Drive Explorer through the GMA Lease Purchase Program
Motion Unanimously Approved

Item 8: City Manager Comments
Financial Report – City Manager Wilmarth presented an unaudited report of account balances, statement of revenue and expenditures for the month ended September 30, 2017. The report showed cash on deposit totaled $652,182,20

Other Items Reported:

• Annual audit for the period ended June 30, 2017, is nearing completion. Expect final report submitted to council for review near the end of the year.

• Valley Streetscapes Project – The Georgia Department of Transportation has completed their review and submitted nine (9) adjustments that our staff needs to make in paperwork/documentation to complete right of way certification. Once files are returned to staff the adjustments will be made and returned back to GDOT for their approval.

• LMIG Safety Grant – The Georgia Department of Transportation met with representatives of Patriot Rail to discuss the Groover Street Railroad repairs. Patriot Rail should begin surveying the site and plan development within the next 30 days.

• City Hall/PD Modifications – The modification to the Police Department are 99% complete. The remaining 1% should be complete within the month.

The modifications to City Hall service desk are scheduled to begin November 1, 2017. City Hall will be closed on November 2nd and 3rd so work can be completed. City Hall is scheduled to reopen at 9:00 AM on Monday, November 6th.

• The annual lead and copper testing required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPD) has been completed. The test is to determine if concentration measured in household water exceed ‘action levels” of 15 ug/1 for lead and 1300 ug/I for copper. Our system as shown in the report is well within the action levels set by EPD.

Item 9: Mayor Roberts & City Council Comments
Mayor Roberts discussed the importance of the Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) Renewal Vote on November 7, 2017. He stated the tax is a very important part of funding projects throughout the county and is especially vital to our city projects.

On October 24, 2017, Mayor Roberts stated he along with City Manager Wilmarth, Cherokee County Commission Chairman Buz Ahrens, and others will travel to Cartersville, Georgia to meet with GDOT officials to discuss the SR 372 road issue.

Item 10: Public Comments

Item 11: Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 12: Adjourn
There being no further business for Mayor and Council Members consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn at 7:45 PM.

The minutes of this October 12, 2017, Meeting of Council approved this 14th Day of December 2017.


October 12, 2017

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order to order by Mayor Rick Roberts.

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Appearances
Recognizing and Presenting a Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 5: Consider Approval of August 10, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes

Item 6: Old Business
a) Consider Second Reading of New Ordinance to The Code of The City of Ball Ground Chapter 28 Titled Utilities; Division 3. Sewers: Prohibiting private wastewater systems within the City of Ball Ground service delivery area.
b) Consider Second Reading of Special Events Policy and Procedure

Item 7: New Business
a) Ratify Decision to Award Bid to Construct Senior Center
b) Consider Purchase of New Police Vehicle

Item 8: City Manager Comments

Item 9: Mayor Roberts & City Council Comments

Item 10: Public Comments

Item 11: Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 12: Adjourn



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