COVID-19 Resources

From the City Manager

First we would like to thank all of our residents for the outstanding cooperation we are seeing at all levels.

Mayor Roberts participated in a conference call yesterday with Governor Kemp. Most of you have probably heard this information on the local news – but for those that haven’t we are passing on the information

First and foremost. If you are ill, and believe you COULD have the coronavirus it is very important that you call you medical provider before you show up at the office. Same with the ER. Call the hospital first and get specific instructions as the medical facility will want to bring you in separate from other patients.

Secondly, we just simply weren’t prepared for the amount of testing that needs to be done and the Feds are reportedly working to get more test kits and improve the distribution methods. In the meantime, some tests have become available thru the private sector. Two issues here. Many of the private testing sites are simply scams – not real tests at all. The second issue is that although some are valid they are doing some price gouging. However; it is certainly a personal choice but the Governors office is recommending that if you want to pay the prices for a private test please contact the health department and find out if the site is legitimate first.

The COVID hotline number for the state is 1-844-442-2681.
Be prepared for a significant wait when calling, but you can get more information from this number and guidance if you believe you need to be tested.

The State is working with FEMA with the goal of establishing a testing center in all 18 “health districts” in the State. Tentatively they have selected Woodstock as a possible test site. They anticipate these sites will be up in 7-10 days.

Social distancing is the best practice for the time being to slow the spread of this virus, however; the Governor stopped short of enacting an order to shut down bars and restaurants, instead asking these businesses to self regulate and keep their crowd sizes in check. While we must practice social distancing Mayor Roberts strongly agrees with Governor Kemp in the need to support our local businesses. Our business owners are coming up with creative ways to continue operations. For some this is offering curbside service, home deliver, take out services etc., Give your favorite Ball Ground business (or two) a call and see if there is something in place that meets your needs, whether it is a new delivery service, or simply the ability to remain in your car and have something brought out to you.

Additionally the Governor announced a blood shortage. He said the Red Cross has instituted safe measures for blood donation and is encouraging residents to reach out to the Red Cross and give blood when possible and practical.

The State of Georgia is now approved thru the Small Business Administration so that our small businesses can get some financial assistance as we pass thru these. The website they have referred small businesses to is

Another major area of impact. Rumors. We seem to experience of lot of this especially in this era of social media. Mayor Roberts urges all of our residents to fact check, gather information from reliable news sources, the CDC and the GEMA and FEMA websites.

In the mean-time … stay safe and look after one another.

Eric Wilmarth
City Manager

Sanitation Pickup Notice

Notice to City of Ball Ground Sanitation customers concerning bulk item pickup! Note: This does not effect pickups scheduled for Friday, March 20, 2020.

COVID-19 Staying Safe on Route

Over the past few days, we have all seen the impact within our communities regarding the potential presence of COVID-19 virus. As this situation continues to evolve, all of us are assessing how to best keep ourselves and those around us healthy and safe.

We remain committed to keeping our employees safe while continuing to service you without interruption. In the best interest of the health and well-being of our employees, we are asking the City of Ball Ground to suspend household bulk item service at this time. These household items may pose the biggest risk to our employees because the virus can survive on hard surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours or more.

City Hall Closing

In an effort to minimize health risks for our staff, citizens, employees and visitors, the City of Ball Ground is enacting the following safety measures to assist in the efforts to promote social distancing and slow the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Effectively immediately:
City Hall will be closed to public access until further notice.

Staff will be available by telephone (770)735-2123 and email. Customers with issues that are unable to be resolved via phone or online services may schedule an appointment on a case by case basis.

The City is currently working with our credit card processing company to eliminate the Standard “convenience fee” currently charged to customers when processing online credit card payments. Any customers who process payments prior to this fee being lifted will receive a credit to their account for the amount of the fee. Customers will have the ability to pay online, by telephone, or via the drop box at City Hall.

Easter Egg Hunt

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Santa’s Coming

The Annual March of the Toys Parade for Toys for Tots will be held Friday, December 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM.   Parade information can be found at

Ball Ground Rocks! ™

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