December 9, 2021

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

December 9, 2021

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Roberts.

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Approve Agenda

Item 4: Appearances – None

Item 5: Public Comments – None

Item 6: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 7: Approval of November 18, 2021, Council Meeting

Item 8: Old Business – None

Item 9: New Business
a) Consider Certain Items for Surplus: 14,000 lb. Utility trailer, Santa
Sleigh and
b) Consider Authorization of Actuarial Study of Three (3) Year Buy-back in
Defined Benefit Plan
c) Consider Resolution Adopting the Cherokee County 2021 Hazard
Mitigation Plan
d) Consider First Reding of Application for Alcohol License
Applicant: Raul De La Vega/BG Tavern, LLC
Location: 270 Gilmer Ferry Road

Item 10: City Manager Comments

Item 11: Mayor Roberts Comments

Item 12: Council Comments

Item 13: Executive Session If Needed

Item 13: Adjourn

Following the meeting, the public is invited to attend a reception for John Byrd and
Mickey O’Malley. Refreshments will be served.

Public Hearing & Annexation Update

Hello Ball Ground:

We have received a number of inquiries concerning the proposed development on Old Dawsonville Road for which a public hearing is scheduled for 6:00 PM this evening.  There has been debate on whether this application should be treated as a “zoning action”, or an “overlay extension”.

The City of Ball Ground has an agreement in place with Cherokee County, and re-zoning actions for the City are handled and heard by the Cherokee County Municipal Planning Commission.  This has been the case for 20 plus years.   Initially, we intended to treat this as a zoning action.  An application was received by the City but the Cherokee County Municipal Planning Commission denied hearing the application due to their position that overlay extensions are not zoning actions.   As an alternate course, the City scheduled a public hearing on its own to receive public comments on the proposed action.

This morning the decision was made to treat this request as a zoning action.  Since the Commission has rejected the idea that this is a zoning action, the City will handle the process internally.  Due to this change, the proposed annexation and the proposed extension of the Valley Overlay District will be tabled, and no action will be taken on these items during tonight’s meeting.

However; since many of you have already made plans to be in attendance we will still conduct a public hearing this evening at 6:00 PM immediately prior to the meeting of the Mayor and Council.  This will give more residents an opportunity to share their comments on the record.  Additionally, there will be another public hearing scheduled and held prior to either the December or January meeting of the Mayor and Council, to give residents an additional opportunity to speak on this issue.

Have a great day Ball Ground.


November 18, 2021

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.


November 18, 2021

6:00 PM – Public Hearing 

Regarding the Extension of the Valley Overlay District..

A Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 6:00 PM to solicit public comments on the extension of the Valley Overlay District.  An application to extend the boundary of the Valley Overlay District to include 11.16 acres in a 48.2-acre parcel located on Old Dawsonville Road has been submitted to the City Council for consideration.  The City Council will consider this request at the 7:00 PM, November 18, 2021 Monthly Meeting.  

7:00 PM – City Council Meeting

Item 1:  Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Roberts.

Oath of Office:  Council Member, Post 3 – Vicki Benefield

Item 2:  Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3:  Approve Agenda

Item 4:  Appearances – None

Item 5: Public Comments – None

Item 6:  Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 7: Approval of October 14, 2021 Council Meeting

Item 8:  Old Business 

  1.  Consider Second Reading of Annexation Application 2021-A07

Applicant:  Rob Hosack – 255 & 275 Old Dawsonville Road  (04N04-030 & 04N04-031

  1. Consider Second Reading of An Ordinance Allowing an Increase in License Fee on Insurers and to Impose a Gross Premiums Tax on Insures

Item 9: New Business

  1. Consider Application to Extend the Valley Overlay District include 11.16 acres in a 48.2  Acre Parcel Identified as Map & Parcel 04N04-030 and 04N04-032. (255 & 275 Old Dawsonville Rd,)
  2. Consider Ratification of  Submittal of Public Safety Grant Supplement for $5,396.00
  3. Consider Ratification of Submittal of State Grant for Sewer System Improvements of $1,290,153
  4. Consider Authorization to Open Checking Account (Construction Account)
  5. Consider Authorizing Appraisals for Potential Land Swap (Straighten Property Line between Bracket Property and Calvin Farmer Park property

Item 10:  City Manager Comments

Item 11: Mayor Roberts Comments

Item 12:  Council Comments 

Item 13:  Executive Session If Needed

Item 13:  Adjourn

Public Hearing before City Council Meeting

The November 11, 2021, monthly meeting of the Ball Ground City Council has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 7:00 PM.   A Public Hearing will be held prior to the City Council Meeting at 6:00 PM to solicit public comments on the extension of the Valley Overlay District.  An application to extend the boundary of the Valley Overlay District to include 11.16 acres in a 48.2-acre parcel located on Old Dawsonville Road has been submitted to the City Council for consideration.  The City Council will consider this request at the 7:00 PM, November 18, 2021, Monthly Meeting.  Contact Chris Luly, Director of Planning and Zoning for additional information or to submit your comments prior to the hearing.

City Hall Closed Thursday, Nov 11, for Veterans Day

Ball Ground City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2021 in observance of Veterans Day.

The November 11, 2021, monthly meeting of the Ball Ground City Council has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 7:00 PM.

Urgent Message for Citizens on Groover St.

Hello Ball Ground:

We just received a call from the contractor making repairs on Groover Street between Old Dawsonville Road and Civic Drive that their schedule has changed and they plan on moving in Monday morning instead of later in the month.

In order to make the proper repairs, the contractor will need to close the road off and on throughout the day as they dig out and repair the failed areas before top coating.

Old Dawsonville will remain open, but Groover between Old Dawsonville and Civic will see closures.

Please use caution in the area.

Have a great weekend!


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