January 14, 2021

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council

City of Ball Ground, Georgia

Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.


January 14, 2021

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Roberts.

In order to limit the number of individuals present in Council Chambers and to provide for social distancing as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Council Members Byrd, Homiller, O’Malley, Prettyman, and Stoner participated via teleconference call. 

Other staff participating via teleconference: Finance Director Donna England and Chris Luly, Planning and Zoning.

City Manager Eric Wilmarth and City Clerk Karen Jordan were present in Council Chambers for the meeting. 

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3:  Approve Agenda

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the agenda with Items 4, 8 (e) & (f) removed and adding Resolution 2021-R03. 

Motion unanimously approved.

Item 4: Appearances – None

Item 5: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

City Manager Wilmarth announced there would be a virtual meeting of the Cherokee Municipal Association on Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 6:00 PM.

City Manager Wilmarth informed Council Members about the Wellness Program employees are participating in.  Because of the effort of the employees, there was a reduction in the premium cost of $704.42. 

Mayor Roberts congratulated our city staff for their efforts to get healthy and encouraged them to keep up the good work.

Item 6: Approval of November 12, 2020, Council Meeting Minutes

(December meeting canceled)

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2020, Council Meeting as submitted by the City Clerk.

Motion unanimously approved.

Item 7:  Old Business – None

Item 8: New Business

  1. Consider Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion Seconded by Council Member Stoner to appoint Council Member John Byrd as Mayor Pro Tem for the ensuing year.

Motion unanimously approved.

  1. Consider Appointment of 2021 Department Heads, Committees and Board Members

The following Department Heads and Committees were appointed by Mayor Roberts and confirmed unanimously by the City Council.

City Clerk Karen L. Jordan

Chief of Police Bryon Reeves

Public Works Eric Wilmarth

City Attorney Roach, Caudill & Gunn

City Auditor Mauldin & Jenkins

Engineer G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers

Architect Mark Robillard

Elections Supervisor Karen L. Jordan

Clerk of Court Karla Weaver

Assistant Clerk of Court Karen L. Jordan

Municipal Court Judge Gary Markwell

Tree Board

Karen Jordan, Chairman

Dennis Holt

Diane Smit

Mayor Roberts

The sitting president of the Ball Ground Garden Club

Zoning Board of Appeals

David Kubala

Daniel Sisson

Jennie Byers

Jeremy Parker

Ellen Goldberg

Mayor Roberts appointed five (5) committees and asked that each one report back to Council at least two (2) times during the year at Council Meetings.  The committees are as follows:

Council Committees Chair Other Staff

Finance, Insurance & Personnel Andy Mickey & Frank Donna

Parks & Recreation Mickey Andy & Lee Karen

Roads, Streets & Sidewalks Frank John & Andy Eric

Water, Sewer & Sanitation John Lee & Frank Eric

Public Safety Lee John & Mickey Chief Reeves

Mayor Roberts serves as an ex officio member of each committee.

Executive Committee

Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and City Manager

Council Member O’Malley to serve as an alternate to the Executive Committee in the event anyone of the committee members is unable to attend a meeting.

  1. Reaffirm Check Signers for any/all banking/checking accounts

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to authorize Mayor Roberts, City Manager Eric Wilmarth, City Clerk Karen Jordan and Police Chief Bryon Reeves as check signers for any/all banking/checking accounts. Two of the named signers are to sign any and all checks $500.00 and over.

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider Establishing and Fixing Qualifying Fees for Municipal Elections per O.C.G.A. §21-2-131(1)(a)

Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the qualifying fee of $35.00 for the office of City Council and $108.00 for the office of Mayor. 

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider Adoption of Zoning Map – Removed for consideration
  1. Consider Adoption of Schedule of Service Fees-Removed for consideration
  1. Consider Arbor Day Proclamation 2021-01

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley proclaiming February 19, 2021, as Arbor Day in The City of Ball Ground.  A tree planting will take place at a time to be determined on this date.

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider request from JBJ Properties to accept permanent maintenance and ownership of roads, sidewalks, street signs, and stormwater infrastructure in Heritage Woods Subdivision.

Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve a Resolution 2021-R1 to accept and authorize certain streets and storm drains in Heritage Woods Subdivision to become publicly maintained streets.

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider Resolution to change the name of Gilmer Ferry Road to Main Street

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve a Resolution 2021-R2 to announce the changing of Gilmer Ferry Road to Main Street. 

Motion Unanimously Approved

  1. Consider Ordinance to designate Valley Street as a “No Thru Truck Street.”

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to adopt an Ordinance to designate Valley Street as a “No Thru Truck Street.”

Motion Unanimously Approved.

  1. Consider Map Amendment to increase the Valley Overlay District

City Manager Wilmarth explained that approximately two (2) months ago a track of land was annexed into the City.  Half of the property was already inside the City while a portion of the property was not.  The property located outside the City had a different land use classification and since annexed it needed to conform with the property already inside. 

Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to extend the Valley Overlay District classification to cover the entire parcel of property identified as map and parcel number 04N04-031B. 

Motion Unanimously Approved.

  1. Commitment for Street Light Funding of GDOT Roundabout-SR 372 Spur Estimated cost $1,500.00 per year.

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to obligate funding for the monthly cost of street lights to be placed at the Roundabout-SR 372 Spur constructed by the Georgia Department of Transportation. 

Motion Unanimously Approved.

  1. Consider Resolution 2021-R3 Acknowledging the City of Ball Ground’s Commitment to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19.

Mayor Roberts commented on the current status of COVID-19.  He stated that until there are more people vaccinated and tested it is going to be hard to get the virus under control.  At present time Cherokee County is one of the top counties in the state for testing and a positive number of cases.  Presently we are at 20%, whereas last summer our positive number of cases was at 7/8%.  We are being encouraged by the Georgia Municipal Association to support efforts to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. Although some cities have enacted ordinances mandating the wearing of masks, we are reiterating our support for those policies and actions ordered by Governor Kemp. 

City Manager Wilmarth read the ordinance stating strategies to be taken immediately.  They are: 

  1. Customers/Residents visiting City Hall must wear a mast while in City Hall
  2. City employees shall wear a mask whenever outside their personal office space
  3. City employees shall wear a mask when meeting with other staff or the public
  4. Patrons at all City Parks and Facilities will be expected to socially distance themselves from individuals with who they do not reside
  5. Public gatherings shall not exceed 50 individuals unless social distancing can be achieved and is adhered to
  6. Servers in all restaurants shall wear masks when engaging with the public and tables will be arranged to achieve six-foot separation or barriers shall be erected

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Homiller supporting the passage of Resolution 2021-R3.

Motion Unanimously Approved

Item 9: City Manager Comments

City Manager Wilmarth provided Council Members with an unaudited report of account balances, and a statement of revenues and expenditures for the month ended December 31, 2020.  The report showed cash on deposit totaled $2,049,975.67

City Manager Wilmarth also updated Mayor and Council Members on several ongoing projects throughout the City. 

Item 10: Mayor Roberts

Mayor Roberts stated he had decided to delay council’s annual planning retreat until later late spring or early summer.

Council Members were encouraged to participate in the Georgia Municipal Associations weekly call with a comprehensive update on COVID-19.

Mayor Roberts said he hoped to achieve two goals this year.  One is for the DDA to become active again, and the second is to complete and adopt a Historic Preservation Ordinance.

Item 11:  Council Comments

Council Member O’Malley expressed his excitement to introduce an online reservation link for the purpose of scheduling the use of city parks and facilities on the City’s Webpage.  We stated it is his desire to bring this service online later this year.

Council Members each expressed their appreciation to Chief Reeves, his officers, and the entire city staff for the work they perform each day.

Council Member Prettyman expressed his desire to require all new homes being constructed to have at least one (1) car garage and to prohibit on-street parking.  City Manager Wilmarth stated there was no code to regulate a house must have a garage.

Item 12:  Public Comments

Item 13:  Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 14:  Adjourn

There being no further business for mayor and council consideration a motion was put forth by Council Member Stoner, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to adjourn the meeting.

The minutes of this January 13, 2021, City Council Meeting approved this 11th Day of March 2021.

Sept 9, 2021 Regular

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Roberts.

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Approve Agenda

Item 4: Appearances – None

Item 5: Public Comments – None

Item 6: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 7: Approval August 12, 2021 Council Meeting

Item 8: Old Business

Consider Second Reading of Annexation Petition 2021-04
Applicant: Loyd Development Services – Ball Ground Hwy.
Consider Second Reading of City of Ball Ground Development Code

Item 9: New Business

Consider John Loyd Development Services request to rezone 39.98 +/- acres on Canton Hwy from R-80 (County) to TND (Traditional Neighborhood Development). If rezoned, the property will be utilized for single family detached homes and townhomes.
Consider Resolution R-06 Recognizing Constitution Week (September 17-23)
Consider Property Lease for Downtown Parking
Consider Declaration of Surplus Property: 2014 Dodger Charger
Consider Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Advertisement of Sale of Property (Related to refinancing City Hall)

Item 10: City Manager Comments

Item 11: Mayor Roberts Comments

Item 12: Council Comments

Item 13: Executive Session – Discussion of Potential Litigation

Item 13: Adjourn

Sept 9, 2021 Work

Work Session

City of Ball Ground Mayor and City Council
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 5:30 PM

September 9, 2021


Discussion of Regular Agenda Items


Regular Scheduled Meeting to Follow at 7:00PM

Municipal Special Election – Nov 2, 2021

The qualifying period for the City of Ball Ground November 2, 2021 Municipal Special Election has ended. The following candidates successfully qualified for

City Council Post 3:
Vicki Benefield
Cory Cooper
Adam Humphries
Darrell McNeal
Mark Popham

The Municipal Special Election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 2021, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Ball Ground United Methodist Church located at 3045 Ball Ground Hwy.

In the performance of its governmental functions, The City of Ball Ground contracts with the Cherokee County Board of Elections to conduct all City of Ball Ground Elections. For Absentee mail-out, in-person early voting, and voter registration information call 770-479-0407.

Municipal General Election – Nov 2, 2021

The qualifying period for the City of Ball Ground November 2, 2021 Municipal General Election has ended. The following candidates successfully qualified for:

Mayor – A. R. (Rick) Roberts

City Council Post 4 –
John Byrd (Incumbent)
Kristine Rogers

City Council Post 5 –
Charles Jenkins
Dennis Nelson
Ben Reilly 

The Municipal General Election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 2021, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Ball Ground United Methodist Church located at 3045 Ball Ground Hwy.

In the performance of its governmental functions, The City of Ball Ground contracts with the Cherokee County Board of Elections to conduct all City of Ball Ground Elections. For Absentee mail-out, in-person early voting, and voter registration information call 770-479-0407.

November 12, 2020

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

November 12, 2020

Mayor Pro Tem John Byrd was present for the meeting in Council Chambers. In order to limit the number of individuals present in Council Chambers and at City Hall and to provide for social distancing as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Council Members Prettyman and Stoner participated via teleconference call. Council Member Homiller, O’Malley and Mayor Roberts was absent.

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem John Byrd

Item 2: Roll Call of Council Members

Council Members Byrd Prettyman participated via teleconference call.

Present in Council Chambers were City Manager Eric Wilmarth, City Clerk Karen Jordan, Police Chief Bryon Reeves, City Planner Chris Luly and City Attorney Darrell Caudill

Item 3: Approval of Agenda

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the meeting agenda as submitted.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – None

Item 5: Approval of October 8, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2020 Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Item 6: Old Business
Consider Second Reading Annexation Petition 2020-A02:
Applicant: Lynwood Development – 560 Old Dawsonville Road

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the second reading of Annexation Petition 2020-A02 as submitted by Lymwood Development for property located at 560 Old Dawsonville Road.
Motion Unanimously Approved

Consider Second Reading Annexation Petition 2020-A03
Applicant: Fred Brackett – 619 Old Dawsonville Rd

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the second reading of Annexation Petition 2020-A03 as submitted by Fred Brackett for property located at 619 Old Dawsonville Road.
Motion Unanimously Approved

Consider Second Reading Annexation Petition 2020-A04
Applicant: City of Ball Ground – 1.34 acres landlocked property located north of where public access road ends (Roberts Lake Rd)

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the second reading of Annexation Petition 2020-A04 as submitted by City of Ball Ground for 1.34 +/- acres landlocked property located north of where public access road ends (Roberts Lake Road).
Motion Unanimously Approved

Item 7: New Business – None

Item 8: City Manager Comments

City Manager Wilmarth provided Council Members with an unaudited report of account balances, and statement of revenues and expenditures for the month ended October 31, 2020. The report showed cash on deposit totaled $1775,076.55.

City Manager Wilmarth also updated Mayor and Council Members on several ongoing projects throughout the City.

The City received notice from the Environmental Protection Division earlier today to begin the A. W. Roberts Waterline Relocation Project. A notice to proceed was then issued to Trench Incorporated to begin the project. Trench Incorporated is expected to be on site to begin the project within the next two to three weeks.

A new lighting system will be installed at the tennis and basketball courts. The existing on/off switch is constantly being vandalized. In order to eliminate the costly repairs of replacing the on/off switch will now be done remotely through an internet-based system. The lights will be preprogramed to shut off at 10:15 PM nightly.

Chief Reeves presented a written report of the Police Department’s activities for the month ended October 31, 2020.

Watchguard is scheduled to arrive on November 23, 2020 to begin working with the Police Department installing bodycams. The cameras will be installed and officers trained on the use of the devices over the course of three days.

City Attorney Caudill is currently working to provide mayor and council members with a draft of a new zoning code and alcohol ordinance for review within the next couple of months.

Item 9: Mayor Roberts was absent.

Item 10: Council Comments

Council Member Prettyman and Stoner commended Chief Reeves and his department along with City Manager Wilmarth and staff for continuing to provide a high level of service throughout the ongoing Pandemic and recent Hurricane Zeta.

Item 11: Public Comments – None

Item 12: Adjourn

There being no further business for consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

The minutes of this November 12, 2020 City Council Meeting approved this 14th day of January 2021.


R. Roberts, III, Mayor

Attest: ________________________
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

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