City Council – Special Called Meeting

This is to provide notice that the Ball Ground City Council will hold a special called meeting Friday, July 30, 2021, at 10:00 AM in Council Chambers.

The purpose of this meeting is to call for a special election to be held Tuesday,  November 2, 2021, to fill the vacancy in the office of City Council Post 1 caused by the resignation of Council Member Frank Homiller and to set qualifying dates for said election.

Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk
City of Ball Ground

Transmission Line Maintenance

Good Morning Ball Ground –


Just a heads up that Georgia Power has scheduled some extensive transmission line maintenance in the Ball Ground area for this week (July 26, 2021).  As such we can expect to see low flying helicopters, some spraying, and some equipped with aerial saws for tree trimming.  These unusual-looking instruments generally result in a significant number of community inquiries, so just providing a heads up.  Hope you all have a great week.


UERA Used Book Fundraiser

Upper Etowah River Alliance Fundraiser

The “Ball Ground Streamers” are working with the alliance on a used book drive fundraiser.  Please consider dropping off your used books here in the foyer at City Hall between now and July 31st, 2021.   The cleanliness of our waterways is vital in our mission of providing quality drinking water to our customers.   We appreciate the work of the Ball Ground Streamers and the Upper Etowah River Alliance in achieving clean waterways.

July 15, 2021

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

July 15, 2021

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order by Mayor Roberts.

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Approve Agenda

Item 4: Appearances

Item 5: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 6: Approval of June 17, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes

Item 7: Old Business

  1. a) Consider Second Reading of an amendment to Appendix A-Zoning; Division 104. – District Standards and Permitted Uses: Section 104.14 Valley Overlay District of The Code of The City of Ball Ground
  2. b) Consider Second Reading of Application for New Alcohol License:

Licensee: Nancy Ann Wurtz/Lora Mae’s

Location: 420 Old Canton Rd.

Item 8: New Business

  1. a) Consider opening banking account for American Rescue Plan (ARP)Funds
  2. b) Consider Budget for American Rescue Plan (ARP)
  3. c) Consider First Reading of Annexation Application 2021-A05

Applicant: Lee Lusk – Mineral Spring Road (04N02-018, 020, & 021)

  1. d) Consider First Reading of Annexation Application 2021-A06

Applicant: Lee Lusk – Mineral Springs Road (04N02-004A)

  1. e) Consider First Reading of Annexation Petition 2021-04

Applicant: Loyd Development Services – Ball Ground Hwy.

  1. f) Consider a Land Exchange Agreement with the Lynwood Development Group
  2. g) Consider Establishing Qualifying Dates for the November 2, 2021 Municipal Election
  3. h) Consider Adoption of Millage Rate of 4.633 mills for 2020 Property Tax
  4. i) Consider Adoption of Fire Tax for 2021
  5. j) Consider Appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals
  6. k) Consider Appointment to Library Board
  7. l) Consider Appointment to County Transportation Committee

Item 9: City Manager Comments

Item 10: Mayor Roberts Comments

Item 11: Council Comments

Item 12: Public Comments

Item 13: Adjourn

Water Quality Information

Our system was recently tested for the presence of Trihalomethanes (TTHM).  What is TTHM? Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) are a group of disinfection byproducts that form when chlorine compounds that are used to disinfect water react with other naturally occurring chemicals in the water. They are colorless and will evaporate out of the water into the air.  If these byproducts form in large enough quantities they can present health concerns, so the EPA has established a maximum contaminant of 80 parts per billion in drinking water.  We are happy to say that there are no detectable levels of TTHM in the City of Ball Ground water supply.

Council Meeting July 15 – 7:00 PM

Mayor Roberts and the Ball Ground City Council will meet in chambers at 7:00 PM Thursday evening. Of the 11 agenda items, the two most significant items to our residents will be the establishment of the annual property tax and fire tax millage rate. The fire tax is proposed at 3.292 the same as last year. This tax rate is simply a pass-thru, collected by the City and remitted to Cherokee County to pay for fire services within the City. The City of Ball Ground operational millage rate is proposed at 4.633, down from 5 last year. Most residents should see a slight reduction in their tax bill based on the 4.633 rate.

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