Emergency Declaration by Mayor

Click on this link to view a copy of the Emergency Declaration by the Mayor of the City of Ball Ground Related to COVID-19.

Message from the Mayor

Date: March 26
Hello Ball Ground:
The following is a message from Mayor Roberts.

“This morning, with the approval of the City Council, I have declared a State of Emergency in Ball Ground in response to the escalating health risks from Covid-19 and have issued a Shelter in Place Order. It will begin at midnight tonight and initially be in effect for 14 days.

Seeing the exponential rise of COVID-19 cases in Georgia has made me and the council very concerned about the health risks and safety of people in our community. This Shelter in Place action being taken by the City concurrently with the County and other cities in the County, as well as other nearby counties, will hopefully be effective in lowering the number of coronavirus cases and save lives in our region. I believe this Shelter in Place Emergency Order to request and encourage people to stay at home is the right thing to do.

So exactly what is a Shelter in Place Order? It is really more of a “Stay at Home” order. For many of you this means no change. So many of you have already taken the appropriate steps. Simply stay home unless you need to leave your home for work or essential services.

What are essential services? Medical treatment, pharmacy needs, gas, to provide care for or check on family or care givers, Auto Repair etc. (and to go to work in support of essential/exempt businesses)

What businesses are non-essential? Unfortunately we do have some valuable businesses in Ball Ground that will be forced to close for the near term because they cannot provide their services while maintaining the 6 foot distancing mandate, or ensure proper cleaning of equipment between users.

What about restaurants? Restaurants may remain open, but for take away only. Curb side or drive thru services are permitted but no indoor or patio dining.

Fortunately most of our businesses will be allowed to remain open if they choose. Even businesses that are non-essential are allowed to continue operating IF AND ONLY IF they keep their numbers below 10, including employees and maintain the 6 foot distance requirements between all customers/employees etc.

Essential Businesses will also be provided with challenges though, as they will be expected to maintain 6 foot distancing requirements and to monitor compliance. This will certainly be a challenge for essential businesses such as the Pharmacy and the Dollar General as they attempt to manage customers in the checkout line and call for the 6 foot separation.

Much of this though falls directly on you, our residents, to be mindful of the 6 foot distancing when obtaining essential services and when working. The overwhelming majority of you have already done exactly what needs to be done and this is essential for flattening the curve and prevent overburdening our medical system.

We understand there will be many questions. As always please feel free to respond to this email and City Manager Eric Wilmarth will do his best to get you the answers you need.

In the end this comes done to applying commons sense. Something Ball Ground residents have plenty of. I am confident that each of you will continue to do what is best for you, your family and our community.

Take care, and I know it is getting old……but wash your hands, clean those frequently touched surfaces, and don’t touch your face/eyes, and practice physical distancing. We can still be social!

The full ordinance will be uploaded on our website later today.
Mayor Roberts

Daily Update for Citizens

Hello Ball Ground:

Mayor Roberts participated in another conference call this morning with Dr. Del Rio, an infectious disease expert with Emory and Grady. To be certain there wasn’t a lot of positive information, with the soul except that he stated he has never seen such a rapid scientific response on work dealing with any previous virus and vaccine development. Still no solutions but rapid progress.

Dr Del Rio also concurs with local news reports, asking individuals that are exhibiting only mild symptoms to self isolate and treat at home. The healthcare system currently has a major shortage of not only tests, but the personal protective equipment needed when completing the tests. If your symptoms progress then by all means call your healthcare provider and set up a plan for testing. Remember, the overwhelming majority of cases are minor. He is hopeful that this guidance will change by Friday, and that tests and protective equipment will be in solid supply and we can then move towards testing everyone in order to further identify carriers and get them properly isolated.

Locally, several of our restaurants have closed their indoor dining but are still offering curb-side to go services, or even home delivery. Please take advantage of this.

Mayor Roberts is urging all residents to avoid social gatherings and to practice physical distancing, even from people you know. Stay in touch socially via you favorite media outlet…….but avoid physically getting together.

This evening at 5:00 PM Governor Kemp will hold a press conference. We are expecting that he will be delivering some statewide guidelines and updates and we look forward to hearing what he has to say.

On a final thought. We are asking everyone to take a little extra precaution in your daily routines. Drive slower. Use extra precautions in all physical activities. One of the things we haven’t talked about much is the fact that our local hospitals already stay pretty busy with car accidents and other injuries from simple at home accidents. The hospital ER is just not the place to be right now. Not only does our presence there consume services, but it also exposes us to probably the most dangerous place to contact the virus at this time. Use Caution. Physical Distancing. Wash Hands. Stay safe.

Another rainy day in Georgia – but Wednesday provides some promise for some sunshine. We need it.

Take good care.


March 12, 2020

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

March 12, 2020

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Appearances

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 5: Approval of February 20, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes

Item 6: Old Business
a) Consider Change to Section 104.12.E(2).(e) of the Ball Ground Development Code (2 story buildings)
b) Consider change to Section 107.3.C of the Ball Ground Development Code (Sidewalks)

Item 7: New Business
a) Consider Employee Services Sharing Agreement between Cherokee Board of Commissioners and City of Ball Ground
b) Consider Inmate Housing Agreement between Cherokee County Board of Commissioners and City of Ball Ground
c) Consider Resolution to apply for City Employee Credit Cards from United Community Bank

Item 8: City Manager Comments

Item 9: Mayor Roberts

Item 10: Council Comments

Item 11: Public Comments

Item 12: Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 12: Adjourn

February 20, 2020

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.


Item 1: Meeting Called to Order

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Appearances

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 5: Approval of January 9, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes

Item 6: Old Business – None

Item 7: New Business
a) Consider Annexation Petition
Applicant: Danny Jordan Location: Roy Haynes Dr.
b) Consider Surplus of Property 420 Gilmer Ferry Road (Vacant Lot)
c) Consider Bids Received on Surplus Property 301 Gilmer Ferry Road
d) Consider Change to Section 104.12.E(2).(e) of the Ball Ground Development Code (2 story buildings)
e) Consider change to Section 107.3.C of the Ball Ground Development Code (Sidewalks)
f) Consider of GMA Lease Purchase for Patrol Vehicle
g) Consider Transfer of Alcohol License
Applicant: 10 Paperclips, LLC / DBA Les Bon Temp Louisiana Kitchen
Licensee/Owner: Christopher Brett Ruffnoh
h) Consider Resolution Supporting Legislation for the Georgia Local Government Infrastructure Finance Authority Act
i) Consider Resolution Supporting Locally-Established Building Design Standards for Residential Dwellings.

Item 8: City Manager Comments

Item 9: Mayor Roberts

Item 10: Council Comments

Item 11: Public Comments

Item 12: Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 12: Adjourn


January 9, 2020

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

January 9, 2020

Item 1: Meeting Called to Order

Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance

Item 3: Appearances
• James Bence, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC – Presentation of Financial Audit for Period Ended June 30, 2019
• Eric Rife concerning the outdoor storage ordinance

Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager

Item 5: Approval of November 14, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes
(December meeting cancelled)

Item 6: Old Business – None

Item 7: New Business
a) Consider Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem
b) Consider Appointment of 2020 Department Heads, Committees and Board Members
c) Reaffirm Check Signers for any/all banking/checking accounts
d) Consider Establishing and Fixing Qualifying Fees for Municipal Elections per O.C.G.A. §21-2-131(1)(a)
e) Consider Adoption of Zoning Map
f) Consider Adoption of Schedule of Service Fees
g) Consider Arbor Day Proclamation
h) Consider Proposal for Solid Waste Services
i) Consider GMA Lease/Purchase Agreement for Electronic Message Board

Item 8: City Manager Comments

Item 9: Mayor Roberts

Item 10: Council Comments

Item 11: Public Comments

Item 12: Executive Session (If Needed)

Item 12: Adjourn

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