Sidewalk Capital Improvement Needs

Construct Sidewalk on Valley Street from Beck Street to Ball Ground Elementary School (68)

This would be a proposed 8 foot wide sidewalk that would establish a pedestrian connection to the new Elementary School.

This project has been approved for CDBG funding and plans are being drawn by the engineer as of December 2010.

The area through which this sidewalk is proposed will also serve as a liner park. Estimated cost of this portion of the project will be $30,000.

Construct sidewalk from Blackwell Street to Ball Ground Elementary School along Old Canton Road (68)

This would be a proposed standard 5 foot sidewalk. Funds for this project have been requested through the Safe Routes to School grant process.

The sidewalk would be constructed on the east side of Old Canton Road. Portions of the sidewalk already exist due to residential construction in the area. Estimated cost is $25,000.

Sidewalk Connection on Old Dawsonville Road from Downtown to Calvin Farmer Park (59)

This is a complicated project due to street width, building encroachments, terrain changes and stream crossing. The project is proposed as a combination of concrete sidewalk and wooden board walk. The boardwalk sections would be elevated over streams and drainage ditches.

This project has been pre-approved for CDBG expenditures, and the project should go to bid at the same time as the Valley Street Sidewalk previously discussed. How much of the project actually gets completed remains to be seen as the grant dollars are limited to $85,000.

Construct Sidewalk on Valley Street from Beck Street to Ball Ground Elementary School (68)

This would be a proposed 8 foot wide sidewalk that would establish a pedestrian connection to the new Elementary School.

This project has been approved for CDBG funding and plans are being drawn by the engineer as of December 2010.

The area through which this sidewalk is proposed will also serve as a liner park. Estimated cost of this portion of the project will be $30,000.

Construct Sidewalk on Valley Street from Beck Street to Ball Ground Elementary School (68)

This would be a proposed 8 foot wide sidewalk that would establish a pedestrian connection to the new Elementary School.

This project has been approved for CDBG funding and plans are being drawn by the engineer as of December 2010.

The area through which this sidewalk is proposed will also serve as a liner park. Estimated cost of this portion of the project will be $30,000.

Walking Trail Connection from Calvin Farmer Park to Preston Manor (42)


For the immediate future this project is planned as a compacted earth or mulch trail rather than concrete sidewalk. Accomplishing the project in this manner will help in the creation of a safe walking environment with the grading and ADA compliance requirements of a standard concrete sidewalk.

Installation would take place on the east side of Old Dawsonville Road and would run to the end of existing City property. The City could then install a cross walk on Old Dawsonville Road to create a safer crossing method from residents of the Preston Manor Subdivision to connect to the trail, and ultimately the City sidewalk system. Total cost of the project is estimated at $7,500.

Construct Sidewalk along Canton Highway from Howell Bridge Road north to State Route 372 (31)


This project would take place on the east side of Canton Highway (aka State Route Business 5 or Ball Ground Highway).Several portions of this project present challenging terrain concerns, ultimately requiring substantial back fill in an effort to construct a sufficiently wide sidewalk while still maintaining a comfortable distance from the heavily travelled roadway.

While not ranking particularly high on the priority scale, this project, long term, would provide a viable pedestrian
connection for what will be a heavy residential site with two commercial sites. Because of the grading and backfilling operations this project is difficult to estimate for cost but is anticipated to exceed $100,000.

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