Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground

Mark your calendars.  FIREWORKS – our show this year will be on Saturday, June 27th and will start promptly at 9:45 PM.  Lots of changes this year and we aren’t really making a big push in advertising outside of our community.  Unfortunately, given COVID-19 we won’t be having any type of concert of vendor’s set up this year but we are hoping that as many of you as possible can join us.  We believe we can still have the show while following the guidelines and orders issued by Governor Kemp.  So……please join us in the following way:

Find a great parking spot and stay in or around your car.

  1. For those that arrive early – feel free to set up your camp chairs or blankets in City Park, Calvin Farmer Park (only on the Old Dawsonville Road side of the stream), and on Lions Field.
  2. Except for the people who came with you in your car, or people you live with – please remain six feet from all other persons
  3. We urge you to consider the wearing of a facemask or coverings, especially if you pay a visit to our downtown merchants

Please remember that the Community Building parking lot, tennis courts and basketball courts, as well as Calvin Farmer Park east of the creek will be closed as this area receives the fall-out from the fireworks.

Our monthly meeting of Mayor and Council will take place tomorrow evening (Thursday, June 11th, at 7:00 pm).  This meeting will be streamed on facebook live on the City of Ball Ground page.  You may also dial in to listen to the meeting by calling 1-800-410-3590 and entering the pass code of 9070 162#.

Items on the agenda include:

2nd reading of the proposed budget (shown on front page of our website)

  1. Entering a Memorandum of Understanding with Cherokee County for continued 911 services
  2. Consider 1st Reading of an ordinance change that will allow our restaurants to continue selling packaged alcohol with their “to-go” orders
  3. Consider 1st Reading of a new sign ordinance
  4. Consider tentative adoption of the FY-20/21 millage rate – (advertising will follow with formal adoption in July)
  5. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Cherokee County to engage the services of the Marshal’s Office for Code Enforcement
  6. Consider 1st Reading of the Building Code Ordinance
  7. Consider 1st Reading or “re-adoption” of the Animal Ordinance (no changes from existing ordinance – just requires re-adoption)

We are very hopeful that our July council meeting will be on “normal” terms as opposed to dial in.



Governor Executive Orders on COVID 19

Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground:

Mayor Roberts was able to participate in another call today with State Officials. For the first time we were really given some concrete numbers especially as it relates to hospitals and anticipated peaking dates.

Officials are now anticipating the virus will peak in Georgia on May 1st. Originally it was April 23rd, then April 20th, now May 1st. Dr Toomey was not disappointed in this as it was attributed to the flattening of the curve and giving hospitals a little more time to prepare for maximum demand. Currently in Georgia we have 5,697 hospital beds still available, we have 851 critical care unit beds available, 2,607 Emergency Room beds available, and we currently have 1,715 ventilators available for use. The director of GEMA said while they are still seeking additional resources, to include personal protective equipment (PPE) they feel like Georgia is well positioned to meet the need at this time. So that was a positive bit of information to take away.

Also, another big plus for our first responders. By next week, 911 call centers should have confidential address listings on any personnel who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous 21 days. Moving forward, if Fire/EMS/Law enforcement receive a 911 call to respond to an address, where an occupant has tested positive, they can be notified ahead of time by the 911 dispatcher, allowing more safety precautions to be taken. This will be a major safety boost for our first responders.

Have a great week Ball Ground – Flatten the CURVE!!


Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground.

Everywhere we look we find our community improving on the physical distancing aspect of the fight against COVID-19. Again, thank you for your efforts and your continued support of our local merchants during this difficult time.

Our leadership team has participated in a host of conference calls……………but in all honesty, there is really nothing new to report. Most models show that the physical distancing measures is beginning to have the desired impact, we just need to keep doing what we are doing.

The director of the Georgia State Patrol (GSP) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) were on a call this morning and asked their “hotline” number be shared in the community in the event residents had something to report as far as non compliance issues with businesses or physical distancing requirements. That number is 1-800-241-4113. These agencies also informed us that to be compliant with the Governor’s order, visitors to parks must be moving at all times. The purpose of the visit is for exercise. Sitting at picnic tables, or spreading of blankets on the ground is not acceptable. This is contrary to what we first believed – that picnicking was fine as long as social distancing was observed. But according to the GSP this is not compliant with the Governors order.

On the local level Mayor Roberts spoke with Mr. Hayes of Northside Cherokee. Mr. Hayes reports that the hospital was well under control, well supplied, well staffed, and extremely appreciative for the community support they are receiving. That was really good news to hear.

Unfortunately in times of crisis there are always folks seeking opportunities to scam other folks. Please be advised that the IRS will NOT call you looking for information regarding your potential stimulus check. Not happening. If someone calls you it is a scam and they are simply seeking your bank account information – and you can be assured they will use that information to deduct from your account, not add to it. No matter how convincing, please do not give out your bank account information.

On a conference call with Senator Beach earlier this week he announced that the State has signed a contract with CW Matthews to begin the first phase of the long awaited widening of Highway 20. The first phase will run from I-575 in Canton east to Scott Road. In conjunction with this project they will also be making some changes to the I-575 north exit ramp at Hwy 20 to provide direct access to the hospital. So for those of you unfortunate enough to travel that segment or roadway frequently, it is set to become a construction zone in mid May.

We have had several calls questioning water/sewer bills being higher than normal. There was no rate increase. As we altered schedules and handled other pressing matters we were 10 days late in reading meters. So although there was no rate increase, your monthly bills were for 40 days instead of the typical 30 days. This month we will work diligently to get meters read on their normal cycle. If we are successful then your next billing cycles will only have 20 – 22 days of consumption as opposed to 30 so you will see less use than normal. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you all for your efforts, your patience and determination to get beyond all of this.

Have a great weekend.


Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground:

As you are aware, Governor Kemp has enacted a Shelter in Place (Stay at Home Order) for the entire State that will take effect at 6:00 pm this evening and run through midnight on April 13th. Mayor Roberts and I both believe that it is highly likely this order will be extended beyond that date.

This order going into effect nullifies the Ball Ground Order. It also specifically removes the ability of the Ball Ground Police Department from any type of enforcement. So my earlier emails saying the PD would be enforcing more heavily this weekend is no longer valid. Enforcement of the Governor’s order will be the State Patrol, GBI, Health Department and the Georgia National Guard. The Governor then signed a second special order allowing Sheriff’s to enforce, but not local police at this point. So if our folks see violations the limit of their power is to call a State Agency for assistance. We will still be asking our department to ASK people to cooperate, but for now that is as far as it can go.

Most of our businesses can remain open if they choose but some must close. The ones that cannot operate include the Gym, Fitness Center, Hair Salons, Nail Salons, Barber Shops, Tattoo Parlors, Tanning Salons, etc., There are more on the list but I think this represents the BG Businesses.

The Governor’s order also finally identifies who must following the social distancing rules. Initially there was very poor communication out of the Governor’s office a couple of weeks back that said 6 feet between every person at all times. That has been cleared up in the order. Occupants of the same dwelling unit are not required to distance from each other while in public – but must social distance from other individuals or dwelling groups. So there is no requirement for a married couple with children, or even room-mates in the same dwelling unit to separate while in public.

I rarely include attachments, but have attached a handout of the Governor’s order if you would like to study it in more detail.

The order also permits going out to exercise. This is important and is good for the spirit. Just please remember to establish good physical distance from other people. Our biggest battle right now is the fact that so many people carry this virus and they feel and look absolutely fine.

Flatten the Curve!!!!!


Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground:

As you know, on Wednesday afternoon Governor Kemp announced a Shelter in Place order, but the details won’t be released until tomorrow sometime.

Shelter In Place is an odd term – more something we would think of in a hurricane or tornado warning. We need to start think more along the lines of simply Stay at Home. Don’t panic. We can be certain that this order will still allow each of us to go to the grocery store, pharmacy, doctor’s office, pick up curbside orders and to work if we work in an essential field. The Governor did announce that over 3,000 tests were being conducted a day with the University System. Therefore, the recent increase in numbers is expected, because we are testing so many more people.

With this said…………..we need everyone’s help moving forward. Please stay at home – – our ability to save lives and eventually restart the economy depends on everyone doing their part. The Governor has not yet detailed what exactly is in his order. That won’t happen until Thursday. Hopefully it will mirror many of the orders already in place in the Metro Atlanta area, and can help to bring consistency to the State and make enforcement possible.

I have asked the Police Department to step up enforcement downtown this weekend. Don’t get me wrong. We WANT you to come support our local businesses. We do not need the entire family to get out of the car and stand in line for your to-go order. Just send one person. Last weekend we had folks bring camp chairs and setting up on the sidewalk. Downtown became a place to “hang out”. We will be asking customers to get what they need and move along back to their cars. No loitering. Each of businesses is providing curb side service. Take advantage of it.

People did seem to make reasonable use of the parks last weekend. Small family groups of 3-4 people were seen with a blanket spread having a picnic and nobody within 50-60 feet. This is perfectly fine.

Now with all of that said……………..from my observations it was our residents being prudent in the parks, and a whole lot of out of town folks congregating on the sidewalks downtown.

We want to maintain our reputation as a welcoming destination for our visitors, but not at the risk of our resident’s health. So again, we will be stepping up enforcement.

One other note – We have installed a Wi-Fi hotspot in the senior center. (Same area as community building and tennis courts). It is simply named “Ball Ground Hot Spot”. Mayor Roberts had this installed specifically for our school students who do not have satisfactory internet service at home. By providing the hotspot parents can bring their children to the senior center parking lot where their child can use the hot spot to download their school assignments each day. No need to get out of the car – just upload/download and head back home. We extend our thanks to ETC (Ellijay Telephone Company) for providing this essential tool for our students.

Stay safe folks…………and if we do the right thing for the next two weeks we can begin looking at better days.


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