Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.
Item 1: Meeting Called to Order
Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3: Appearances
Item 4: Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager
Item 5: Approval of January 9, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes
Item 6: Old Business – None
Item 7: New Business
a) Consider Annexation Petition
Applicant: Danny Jordan Location: Roy Haynes Dr.
b) Consider Surplus of Property 420 Gilmer Ferry Road (Vacant Lot)
c) Consider Bids Received on Surplus Property 301 Gilmer Ferry Road
d) Consider Change to Section 104.12.E(2).(e) of the Ball Ground Development Code (2 story buildings)
e) Consider change to Section 107.3.C of the Ball Ground Development Code (Sidewalks)
f) Consider of GMA Lease Purchase for Patrol Vehicle
g) Consider Transfer of Alcohol License
Applicant: 10 Paperclips, LLC / DBA Les Bon Temp Louisiana Kitchen
Licensee/Owner: Christopher Brett Ruffnoh
h) Consider Resolution Supporting Legislation for the Georgia Local Government Infrastructure Finance Authority Act
i) Consider Resolution Supporting Locally-Established Building Design Standards for Residential Dwellings.
Item 8: City Manager Comments
Item 9: Mayor Roberts
Item 10: Council Comments
Item 11: Public Comments
Item 12: Executive Session (If Needed)
Item 12: Adjourn