Good Afternoon Ball Ground:
Over the next two weeks, we will be working with our contractor to change out the pump in the well that supplies most of the City water. We will also be changing out all the wiring and switching the discharge pipe from galvanized over to stainless steel. This is a pretty in-depth project that requires partial roof removal from the pump house and the use of a crane to pull the old pump and motor.
While undertaking this project we will be purchasing water from the Cherokee County Water and Sewer Authority (CCWSA). Some of our customers already receive this water and will see no changes, but for most of our customers, you may notice a slight change in water taste and odor, simply because the water comes from a surface water treatment plant pulling water from the Etowah River instead of our water which is pulled for the crystalline aquifer, 400 feet below the City. The water purchased from the CCWSA goes thru the same rigorous testing and evaluations as our water and is of excellent quality, but you might just find it to be a bit different because of its origin.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or email.
Take Good Care Ball Ground.