Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.
January 11, 2018
- City Clerk Karen Jordan called the meeting to order and administered the Oath of Office to Rick Roberts for the office of Mayor and John Byrd and Mickey O’Malley for the office of City Council. Each will serve a four-year term.
Present for the meeting were:
John Byrd, Council Member
Frank Homiller, Council Member
Mickey O’Malley, Council Member
Lee Prettyman, Council Member
Andrenia Stoner, Council Member
Donna England, Finance Officer
Bryon Reeves, Police Chief
Darrell Caudill, City Attorney
Eric Wilmarth, City Manager
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Appearances
James Bence, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC – Presentation of Financial Audit for Period Ended June 30, 2017
- Announcements/Informational Items/Project Updates – City Manager
City Hall will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2018, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Annual City Council Planning Retreat scheduled for Saturday, February 17, 2018
- Consider Approval of December 14, 2017, Minutes
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2017, City Council Meeting.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Old Business
- a) Consider Second Reading of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Retail Sale of Dogs & Cats
Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Homiller to approve the second reading of the proposed ordinance.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- New Business
- a) Consider Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to appoint Council Member Frank Homiller as Mayor Pro Tem for the ensuing year.
Motion Unanimously Approved
Council Member Homiller abstained
- Consider Appointment of 2018 Department Heads, Committees and Board Members
The following Department Heads were appointed by Mayor Roberts and confirmed by Council Members.
City Clerk Karen L. Jordan
Chief of Police Bryon Reeves
Public Works Eric Wilmarth
City Attorney Roach, Caudill & Gunn
City Auditor Mauldin & Jenkins
Engineer G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers
Architect Mark Robillard
Elections Super Karen Jordan
Clerk of Court Kim Forman
Assistant Clerk of Court Karen L. Jordan
Municipal Court Judge Gary Markwell
Tree Board Appointments
Karen Jordan, Chairman
Jennie Byers
Beth Hall
Sitting president of the Ball Ground Garden Club
Zoning Board of Appeals
David Kubala
Daniel Sisson
Jennie Byers
Jeremy Parker
Ellen Goldberg
Council Committees Chair Other Staff
Insurance & Personnel Andy Mickey Donna
Historic & Natural Preservation Frank Andy Karen
Parks & Recreation Mickey Frank Karla
Public Works & Services John Lee Eric
Public Safety Lee John Chief
Mayor Roberts serves as an ex officio member of each committee.
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the following Executive Committee members:
Motion Unanimously Approved
Executive Committee
Mayor Roberts
Council Member Frank Homiller
Council Member John Byrd (Alternate)
City Manager Eric Wilmarth
- Reaffirm Check Signers for any/all banking/checking accounts
Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to authorize Mayor Roberts, City Manager Eric Wilmarth and City Clerk Karen Jordan as check signers for any/all banking/checking accounts.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Adoption of Fee Schedule
A schedule of Fees for city services was presented to council for consideration. City Manager Wilmarth stated most of the fees remained the same but there were changes and a few new ones added to the list. The proposed changes are stated below.
Licensing for Wine Only package sales: $350
Licensing for Wine Only Pouring: $350
Licensing for Wine Tasting: $350
Licensing for Brewery: $350
Licensing for Growler Permit: $350
Special Events permitting: $300 + $1 per person attending (can be waived by DDA for special events determined to have an offsetting financial benefit to the BG economy)
.10 cents per thousand increase in both water and sewer sales rates (example sewer rate would increase from $5.10 per thousand gallons to $5.20 per thousand gallons)
Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to adopt the schedule of fees for city services as presented.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Establishing and Fixing Qualifying Fees for Municipal Elections per O.C.G.A. §21-2-131(1)(a) and election qualifying dates.
Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the qualifying fee of $35.00 for the office of City Council and $108.00 for the office of Mayor.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Adoption of City of Ball Ground Zoning Map
Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the adoption of the City of Ball Ground Zoning Map as presented to Council Members.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Arbor Day Proclamation
Mayor Roberts read a proclamation declaring Friday, February 16, 2018, as Arbor Day in the City of Ball Ground. The annual tree planting event date and time will be announced at a later date.
Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the proclamation as read by Mayor Roberts.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider “Opt-In” to District Regional Program for Commercial Indoor Water Use Assessments
City Manager briefed Mayor Roberts and Council Members about the invitation to Opt-In to the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Program for Commercial Indoor Water Use Assessments. As a water provider, we have to either develop our own commercial water use assessment program or participate in a regional program.
By participating in this program, we will combine commercial water use assessments with existing energy assessment programs provided by power companies. There is no cost to the city associated with this program at this time. By participating in the program we will work to establish partnerships with power companies to perform an assessment of both water and energy usage. I believe there may be a cost imposed in the future and at that time we may opt-out stated City Manager Wilmarth.
Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to participate in this program.
Motion Unanimously Approved.
- Discussion of Public Parking Time Limits in Downtown
Council Member Byrd stated people attending events downtown are parking in front of the businesses for extended periods of time limiting parking for other businesses. He felt imposing a two-hour parking limit would be a solution to the problem.
Council Members entered into a discussion on how to best solve the problem. Following the discussion a motion was made by Council Member Homiller, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to impose a two (2) hour time limit on the five (5) parking spaces along the south side of Gilmer Ferry Road beginning at Valley Street and extending west for a ninety (90) day time period and to revisit this matter at the council planning retreat.
Motion Unanimously Approved.
- Consider 1st Reading of Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Ordinance Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to table this item of business.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Zoning Request by Feroz Ali for 5.45 acres located at 8049 and 8051 Ball Ground Hwy.
No action taken. Mr. Ali failed to appear before the Cherokee County Planning Session to present his case.
- Consider Ordinance To Prohibit the Use of ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES (ATV’s) within the incorporated limits of the City Council Member O’Malley opened discussion of the prohibited use of all-terrain vehicles (ATV’S) within the City. He stated the complaints have mostly come from residents in subdivisions.
City Manager Wilmarth stated he had observed several properties where individuals are riding causing the vegetation to become nonexistent.
Following the discussion Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the first reading of an ordinance to restrict the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATV’S) in the City of Ball Ground.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- City Manager’s Report
A written and oral operational and financial report was presented to Mayor and Council Members by City Manager Wilmarth.
- Mayor’s Comments
Mayor Roberts commented as he began his 27th year as mayor it was an honor to serve the residents of The City of Ball Ground. He commented on the stability of the city staff and what a pleasure it was to work with them.
Mayor Roberts announced that the 2018 Annual Council Planning Retreat would be held at the Historic Homiller House on Saturday, February 17, 2018.
I0. Council Members’ Reports
Council Member O’Malley reported that the City Gym is being utilized every day of the week and weekends.
Council Member Byrd spoke of his visit to the Burger Bus which is a favorite place for those who frequent the City Gym to visit after games and practice.
Council Member Homiller asked that we review the list of potential properties deserving of the placement of a Historic Plaque on the building front.
Council Member Prettyman commended Chief Reeves and his officers for the fine job they are doing.
- Public Comments – None
- Executive Session (If Needed)
- Adjourn
There being no further business for Council consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn at 8:25 PM.
The minutes of this January 11, 2018, City Council Meeting approved this 8th Day of March, 2018.
______________________________ ________________________________
Mayor, A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem Frank Homiller
______________________________ _______________________________
Council Member John Byrd Council Member Mickey O’Malley
______________________________ ______________________________
Council Member Lee Prettyman Council Member Andrenia Stoner
Attest: _____________________________
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk