Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.
March 8, 2018
- Call Meeting to Order by Mayor Rick Roberts
Present for the meeting were:
John Byrd, Council Member
Frank Homiller, Council Member
Mickey O’Malley, Council Member
Lee Prettyman, Council Member
Andrenia Stoner, Council Member
Donna England, Finance Officer
Bryon Reeves, Police Chief
Darrell Caudill, City Attorney
Eric Wilmarth, City Manager
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Appearances
Brandon Roberts, President/CEO of Branches of Faith, Inc.
Brandon Roberts, President, and CEO or Branches of Faith, Inc. provided information about his non-profit organization. He extended an invitation to Mayor and Council Members to the launch party on March 17, 2018, to be held at Blank Stages Acting Studio beginning at 6:30 P.M.
- Announcements – City Manager Eric Wilmarth
- Consider Approval of January 11, 2018, Meeting Minutes (No February Meeting held)
Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the minutes of January 11, 2018, Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Old Business
- Consider 2nd Reading of Ordinance to Prohibit Use of ATV’s within the City
Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- New Business
- Consider Resolution Recognizing Diversity in Needs With Respect to local control of fireworks
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve A RESOLUTION 2018- R01 Recognizing the diversity of needs in different regions of our state with respect to the use of fireworks; and for other purposes in The city of Ball Ground.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Adoption of Cherokee County Water and Sewer Authority Sewer Use Rules and Regulations
City Manager Wilmarth stated presently the City of Canton treats our wastewater; therefore, we comply with their Rules and Regulation. In the near future, we will discontinue using their services and begin using Cherokee County Water and Sewage Authority (CCWSA) for treatment. At that time it will be mandatory that we comply with the Rules and Regulations of CCWSA for treatment. This ultimately means CCWSA will begin monitoring our system especially as it pertains to grease traps.
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the adoption of the Cherokee County Water and Sewage Authority (CCWSA) Rules and Regulations as related to sewage treatment.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider 1st Reading of Sign Ordinance
City Manager Wilmarth reviewed the changes in the proposed ordinance that differ in the existing ordinance.
Council Member Homiller put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the first reading of the proposed ordinance.
Motion Unanimously Approved.
- Consider Committee Appointments Study Historic Preservation Ordinance
Mayor Roberts stated it was discussed at the Planning Retreat to appoint a committee to study the need for a Historic Preservation Ordinance and Commission and if warranted develop a proposed ordinance for Mayor and Council consideration. The following people were appointed by Mayor Roberts
Frank Homiller, Stefanie Joyner, Michael Chapman, Jennie Byers and Bo Pollard
- Consider Appointments to Ad Hoc Committee To Study Property Maintenance Ordinance
Mayor Roberts appointed the following people to review existing ordinances regarding property maintenance. The committee will also determine what if any changes are needed to the existing ordinance and if warranted develop a new ordinance for Mayor and Council consideration.
Mayor Roberts, Lee Prettyman, Police SGT Kim Murphy, Julie Arthur and Eric Wilmarth
- Consider 1st Reading of Solid Waste Ordinance
City Manager Wilmarth stated the proposed ordinance is a re-write of the previous ordinance proposed earlier this year.
Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the first reading of this ordinance.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- Consider Proposal to Resurface Outdoor Basketball Court
Council Member stated the City’s liability insurance provider Georgia Interlocal Risk Management Agency (GIRMA) when making their yearly inspection found the outdoor basketball courts to be in need of repair. Staff contacted Southeastern Tennis Courts and Match Point Tennis to obtain quotes to repair the courts. Only Southeastern Tennis Courts responded with a quote of $8,725.00.
Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Prettyman to engage Southeastern Tennis Courts to make the necessary repairs at a cost of $8,725.00.
Motion Unanimously Approved
- City Managers Report
A written and oral operational and financial report was presented to Mayor and Council Members by City Manager Wilmarth
- Mayor Roberts Comments
Mayor Roberts stated he and staff continue to work toward obtaining an alternate truck route to divert truck traffic out of the downtown. Until such time Mayor Roberts stated it is his desire for the Georgia Department of Transportation to repair SR 372 which continues to deteriorate on a daily bases.
- Council Members Comments
Council Member O’Malley reported the lighting system on Field #2 is in need of repairs. Approximately two weeks ago the lights began having issues and since been inoperable. He stated the Parks and Recreation Committee met prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss options on how to repair. The committee recommends the repair of the lights at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00.
Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the expenditure to repair the lights at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00.
Motion Unanimously Approved
Council Members Homiller, Prettyman, and Byrd commented on the success of the Tour of the Highlands Bicycle Race held on March 3rd and 4th.
Council Member Homiller announced The Georgia Trust Expedition will include historic homes and sites of Canton, Ball Ground, and Waleska during the day-long Expedition Saturday, March 24, 2018. Two of the featured home is the Lovelady/Stripling/Homiller Home and Higgins/Lusk Home, both located in Ball Ground.
- Public Comments – None
- Executive Session (If Needed)
- Adjourn
There being no further business for consideration a motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn at 8:10 P.M.
The minutes of this March 8, 2018, City Council Meeting approved this 12th Day of April, 2018.
______________________________ ________________________________
Mayor, A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem Frank Homiller
______________________________ _______________________________
Council Member John Byrd Council Member Mickey O’Malley
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Council Member Lee Prettyman Council Member Andrenia Stoner
Attest: _____________________________
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk