November 15, 2018

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

November 15, 2018


  1. Call Meeting to Order by Mayor Rick Roberts

Council Members Present:  John Byrd, Lee Prettyman, and Andrenia Stoner

Council Members Absent:  Frank Homiller and Mickey O’Malley


Staff Present:  Chris Lully, Darrell Caudill, Bryon Reeves, Eric Wilmarth, and Karen Jordan


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Appearances – None


  1. Announcements – City Manager Eric Wilmarth


November 30, 2018 – Annual March of the Toys Parade for Toys for Tots

March 1-3 2019 – The Tour of the Southern Highlands Bike Race


  1. Consider Approval of October 11, 2018, Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2018, Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Old Business
  1. Consider 2nd Reading of Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Cherokee County on Magistrate/First Appearance Agreement (Municipal Court)

Council Member Prettyman put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Byrd to approve the second reading of the IGA between the City of Ball Ground and Cherokee County Board of Commissioners.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. New Business
  1. Consider Grease Control Program Policies/Ordinances

A Grease Control Program Policy for the purpose of minimizing the introduction of grease, fats, and oils, into the City of Ball Ground’s wastewater collection system was presented for Council consideration.


Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the implementation of this policy.

Motion Unanimously Approved


An Ordinance to regulate Grease Control and Industrial Pre-Treatment and that sets forth uniform requirements for users of the sewage collection and treatment system owned and operated by the City of Ball Ground and enable the City to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws, including the Clean Water Act (33 United States Code § 1251 et seq.) and the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 403) was presented for Council consideration.


Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the first reading of this ordinance as presented.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider request from Michael and Elizabeth Hall to abandon a portion of Blackwell St. right-of-way


City Manager Wilmarth presented a letter from Michael and Elizabeth Hall, 295 Old Canton Road requesting the City abandon a portion of the Blackwell Street right-of-way.  A 1989 survey depicts a portion of the residential structure adjacent to Blackwell Street encroaching upon the City’s the forty (40) foot right-of-way. Mr. and Mrs. Hall propose the City abandon a five (5) foot strip of right-of-way along the entire length of the Hall property.


City Attorney Caudill advised Council Members to abandon only that portion of the right-of-way upon which the residential structure physically encroaches.


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, seconded by Council Member Stoner to abandon only the portion of right-of-way upon which the residential structure physically encroaches adjacent to Blackwell Street.  The abandonment of said right-of-way is conditioned upon Mr. and Mrs. Hall preparing the survey and abandonment documents, and said survey and documents shall meet the approval of the City Attorney and City Manager.

Motion Unanimously Approved.


  1. Consider Lowe Engineering Proposal for Services (Valley Streetscapes Project)


City Manager Wilmarth presented for Council consideration a proposal from Lowe Engineer for services including but not limited to additional construction management requirements and inspection services for all Valley St. Streetscape Project and to meet current GDOT standards.  The contract price for services is $23,833.38.


Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the proposal for services submitted by Lowe Engineering in the amount of $23,833.38.

Motion Unanimously Approved


  1. Consider Jack Burnside NEPA & Project Administration Consultant Proposal for Services (Valley Streetscapes)


City Manager Wilmarth presented for Council consideration a proposal of services as related to the Valley Street Streetscape Project from Jack Burnside in the amount of $9,000.00.  The scope of services described is to assist the City of Ball Ground with the construction phase implementation and administration of a federally funded streetscape infrastructure project utilizing TE program funds.


Council Member Byrd put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Prettyman to approve the proposal for services submitted by Jack Burnside, NEPA & Project Administration Consultant in the amount of $9,000.00


  1. City Managers Report


A written and oral operational and financial report was presented to Council Members by City Manager Wilmarth.


City Manager Wilmarth reported city voters went to the polls on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, to vote in a Special Election to determine should the governing authority of the City of Ball Ground be authorized to permit and regulate Sunday sales of distilled spirits or alcoholic beverages for beverage purposes by the drink from 11 AM to 12:30 PM.  He stated the referendum passed 634 to 358. Restaurants in the City of Ball Ground can now begin serving alcohol on Sundays at 11:00 AM.


A Storm Water Utility Ordinance is being drafted and will be presented to Council Members for consideration at the January 2019 council meeting.


Chief Reeves presented a written operational report of the Police Departments activity for the month ended October 31, 2018, for Council Members review.


City Manager Wilmarth reported that Chief Reeves has been accepted into the 2019 Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Cherokee program.  The program is designed to prepare and build upon leadership resources within the county.


  1. Mayor Roberts Comments


Mayor Roberts commented on the October Work Session which he and council members discussed a draft of a Historic Preservation Ordinance and Property Maintenance Ordinance.  He stated the consensus of the group was not to move forward at this time with a Property Maintenance Ordinance. However, the consensus of council members did agree to move forward with a Historic Preservation Ordinance in increments.  Council Members will consider approving a portion of the ordinance and approval of a Historic Commission in 2019.


  1. Council Members Comments


Council Member Prettyman spoke of his experience participating in the City of Canton Police Department Citizens Police Academy and the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department Citizens Academy.  He sated the programs provide a great opportunity for him to gain an inside perspective of the respected department’s operations.

  1. Public Comments – None
  2. Executive Session (If Needed)


  1. Adjourn


There being no further business for Mayor and Council consideration motion was duly made as seconded to adjourn at 7:45 PM.


The minutes of this November 15, 2018 City Council Meeting approved this 10th Day of January 2019.


______________________________ _____________________________

Mayor, A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem Frank Homiller


______________________________ _____________________________

Council Member John Byrd Council Member Mickey O’Malley


______________________________ _____________________________

Council Member Lee Prettyman Council Member Andrenia Stoner


Attest:  _____________________________

Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

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