Update for Local Citizens

Hello Ball Ground:

Numbers change by the hour, so likely by the time you read this, these numbers will already be outdated. Regardless:
Currently 600 cases in Georgia with 23 deaths. 17 of the cases are right here in Cherokee County. Next door in Pickens County a young lady, well under the age of 30 is in ICU and is in a battle for life. 11 cases are connected to one SINGLE GATHERING in the City of Carrolton.

This is no longer a virus that is just impacting we older adults, but now a full 40% of those hospitalized with the virus are between age 20 and 54.

It is time we begin listening in regards to social distancing. It is imperative that we maintain our distances. It is really the last resort in fighting this disease. We are strongly encouraging our residents to take advantage of our wonderful take out service from Ball Ground restaurants. Mayor Roberts has issued an Executive Order allowing licenses restaurants to sell beer/wine to go (sealed), to make your to-go meals more convenient.

Initially, we had simply closed the City indoor facilities where people gather in large numbers. That was expanded to playground equipment because of the duration that plastic surfaces can hold the virus. However, we were then forced to close the outdoor basketball courts because we had crowds of 25-30 people from as far away as New York, gathering in large groups to play a close-contact sport. Senseless.

One of the large problems in slowing the spread is that we have so many carriers that are asymptomatic – they never even know they are sick. In the mean time they are spreading the virus unknowingly, and potentially even fatally to persons that just don’t handle the virus as well, or already have a compromised system.

As we move forward, please, take this seriously. Trips to the grocery store, convenience store, etc., are all essential. But in doing so simply keep your distance. If you are doing the elbow bump you are too close. When in line at the checkout … take a few steps back. And wash, wash wash your hands.

Changes at the City:
In addition to social distancing we are now practicing total separation. We have teams that are working from home and teams that work from the City. We are still able to handle everyone’s needs, we are just doing so by telephone, email or conference call and have eliminated face to face meetings.

Business Recommendations:
Support our local businesses. Just please do so thru take out services, on line services, curb side services etc. For our businesses, if necessary, please check out the website for the small business administration – some assistance is available there for Georgia businesses.

Mayor Roberts is urging our restaurant owners, that while dine-in is still allowed, please separate your dine-in guests as much as possible and to minimize the number of customers allowed to be seated.. Even outside dining should insure table separation or the improved social distancing and safety of customers.

Remember that if you or a loved one are exhibiting symptoms please contact your health care provider or emergency room BEFORE you just show up.
Together we can get through this but social distancing is a MUST.

Stay safe.

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