Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground –

Mayor Roberts continues to participate in a number of COVID-19 meetings (all virtual of course), trying our best to stay abreast of the most current information. We are happy to finally say that cases are again dropping for our area. While we are still considered a hot-spot, cases last week dropped 23% while deaths dropped 44%. Hospital admissions for COVID-19 dropped 32% over the reporting bed, and ICU beds occupied by COVID-19 patients dropped 13%. Probably one of the most significant numbers that has remained consistent over the past month is that of all the hospitalizations, only 15% are over age 65. This is really a major turn of events. However all improving numbers still exceed last summer’s COVID peak so social distancing and mask wearing when near others you don’t live with are still very important to keep cases falling.

Another significant thing Mayor Roberts learned this past week, direct from Doctor Toomey, is that the previous claims by certain vaccine providers that you MUST get the vaccine in the county in which you reside is completely false. According to Dr. Toomey, any Georgian can receive the vaccine anywhere in Georgia and she would like to hear of any offices that are denying vaccines based on county of residency. So if this happens to you, please let us know the specifics and we will report to Dr. Toomey.

If you are a Ball Ground resident, over the age of 65, that has been unable to obtain an appointment for the vaccine, we would like to hear from you as well, to assist you in getting a vaccination appointment Also, if you have an appointment, but have no way to get to your appointment, please let us know that as well and we will work to find you transportation.

The A.W. Roberts Water Line relocation continues. Last week the new replacement line was bored under State Route Business 5 just north of the shell station and has re-established our cross-highway connection. We will be meeting with the contractor today and determine the schedule for re-routing traffic on A.W. Roberts while that existing line is dug into and turned off. The project is now 60% complete. Again, the significance of this project is the promise by GDOT to come in and make substantial roadway repairs on A.W. Roberts and Gilmer Ferry Road which are badly needed. But only GDOT and not the City can make them on a state Highway.

We have received notice from our sanitation company, Advanced Disposal, that they will be increasing our rates by the annual consumer price index rate of 3.6%, effective February 1st, 2021. But given the growth in customer base, we will not need to pass this increase on to our customers at this time.

Let’s have a great week Ball Ground.


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