Update from the City Manager

Hello Ball Ground

Mark your calendars.  FIREWORKS – our show this year will be on Saturday, June 27th and will start promptly at 9:45 PM.  Lots of changes this year and we aren’t really making a big push in advertising outside of our community.  Unfortunately, given COVID-19 we won’t be having any type of concert of vendor’s set up this year but we are hoping that as many of you as possible can join us.  We believe we can still have the show while following the guidelines and orders issued by Governor Kemp.  So……please join us in the following way:

Find a great parking spot and stay in or around your car.

  1. For those that arrive early – feel free to set up your camp chairs or blankets in City Park, Calvin Farmer Park (only on the Old Dawsonville Road side of the stream), and on Lions Field.
  2. Except for the people who came with you in your car, or people you live with – please remain six feet from all other persons
  3. We urge you to consider the wearing of a facemask or coverings, especially if you pay a visit to our downtown merchants

Please remember that the Community Building parking lot, tennis courts and basketball courts, as well as Calvin Farmer Park east of the creek will be closed as this area receives the fall-out from the fireworks.

Our monthly meeting of Mayor and Council will take place tomorrow evening (Thursday, June 11th, at 7:00 pm).  This meeting will be streamed on facebook live on the City of Ball Ground page.  You may also dial in to listen to the meeting by calling 1-800-410-3590 and entering the pass code of 9070 162#.

Items on the agenda include:

2nd reading of the proposed budget (shown on front page of our website)

  1. Entering a Memorandum of Understanding with Cherokee County for continued 911 services
  2. Consider 1st Reading of an ordinance change that will allow our restaurants to continue selling packaged alcohol with their “to-go” orders
  3. Consider 1st Reading of a new sign ordinance
  4. Consider tentative adoption of the FY-20/21 millage rate – (advertising will follow with formal adoption in July)
  5. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Cherokee County to engage the services of the Marshal’s Office for Code Enforcement
  6. Consider 1st Reading of the Building Code Ordinance
  7. Consider 1st Reading or “re-adoption” of the Animal Ordinance (no changes from existing ordinance – just requires re-adoption)

We are very hopeful that our July council meeting will be on “normal” terms as opposed to dial in.



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