Calvin Farmer Park Plan

Calvin Farmer Park Plan

Calvin Farmer Park is the most used park in the City of Ball Ground. It accommodates a variety of user groups, from families on the playground to dog walkers and pickleballers. As parks and recreation needs change, the City is seeking input on how we plan for the future of Calvin Farmer Park.  There are multiple ways to provide your feedback on the future of Calvin Farmer Park. Please see below.


Open Houses

  • Two public open houses were held to solicit feedback from the community: Saturday, January 20th from 10AM to 12PM at BGES and Thursday, February 1st from 5PM to 6PM at City Hall. Over 30 people attended and participated in these open houses.

Online Survey

  • An online survey was open 24/7 from January 4th to February 3rd. Over 440 people participated in the online survey with nearly 3/4 of respondents being City residents and over 96% of respondents having Ball Ground address.
  • Results from the survey can be found at the links below. There is no personal information in this data. This is raw data that has not been processed yet. Once the raw data has been thoroughly studied and trends have been identified, a presentation will be made to City Council. This simplified data will also be presented here, along with any future plans for the park.

For reference, see below for a general park map and a draft concept plan.


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