Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet on Thursday, December 28 at 6:00PM
Council Chambers at City Hall – 215 Valley Street

More information can be found on the City’s Planning and Zoning page. 

Board of Zoning Appeals

Variance applications are to be submitted to the City staff via email. Staff will schedule a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.


Please email or call (770) 735-2123 for all matters related to variances and the Board of Zoning Appeals.


Meetings are held on an as-needed basis.


  1. Gloria Bartko-Thomas
  2. Jack Davis
  3. Jimmy Gale
  4. John Herrmann
  5. Stefanie Joyner


Public Hearing

The City Council will hold the first of three public hearings to consider changes to the zoning code on March 9th, 2023 at 6:00pm in the City Council Chambers.

For more information, please contact Chris Luly at

Ronald Luchan

January, 2023 Veteran of the Month

Specialist 4 Ronald P. Luchan (Ronnie)

His wife Mary accepted the honor on his behalf posthumously. Mr. Luchan served in the
US Army from 1966 to 1972.

Moratorium Adopted

At their September 8th meeting, Mayor and City Council adopted a six month, citywide moratorium on the acceptance of new applications for achieving residential densities greater than those afforded by the present base zoning. This includes applications for rezoning that seek increased residential densities, applications for Valley Overlay concept plan approval that seek increased residential densities, and similar. The moratorium does not apply to building permits for work such as new construction, additions and renovations on previously platted lots or projects that are currently within the review and approval process. This moratorium is set to expire on March 9, 2023 but may be withdrawn by Mayor and Council prior to this date.

Please email with any questions.

Capital Improvement

Prior to adoption by Mayor and City Council, a draft version of the Capital Improvement Plan is available for public review by clicking HERE. Please provide your questions and comments by emailing and

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