Planning & Zoning

Impact Fees (Proposed)

Dates of Public Hearings on Ordinance: 5/30/24 at 5PM and 7/11/24 at 6PM, City Hall (215 Valley Street)

Dates of Scheduled Votes on Ordinance: 5/30/24 at 5:00 PM and TBD, City Hall (215 Valley Street)

Rezoning Request 2024-R-02 (Roberts East)

Dates of Scheduled Votes on Ordinance: September 12, 2024 at 7 PM and October 10, 2024 at 7PM

More information available on request.

Variance Request 2024-V-01 (Bagby Stream Buffer)

Dates of Scheduled Votes on Request: September 12, 2024 at 7 PM

More information available on request.


Permits and Inspections: Please call (770) 735-2123 or email for all building permits and inspections questions.

Planning and Zoning: Please call (770) 735-2123 or email for all planning and zoning matters, including annexation, deannexation, rezoning, variances, signs and plan review.

Addressing: Cherokee County GIS is responsible for addressing. Please visit their website for contacts and more information.

Annexation Process:
Annexation applications are to be submitted to the City for review before they are provided to Cherokee County for a comment period. County staff has thirty days to review an application and provide comments ahead of a Board of Commissioners meeting, held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The Board will provide official comments to the City on the annexation.

The City holds two hearings on an annexation application with the second hearing taking place after the County has provided comments. The Mayor and Council will render the final decision on an annexation application at this second meeting.

Hard copies of annexation applications and submissions must be provided to City Hall, along with digital versions emailed to There is no fee associated with annexations.

Rezoning Process:
A digital copy of the Rezoning Application is submitted to and then reviewed by City staff. The application and submittal are then sent to Cherokee County for review and scheduling of a public hearing before the Cherokee County Municipal Planning Commission. Public hearings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The Planning Commission also holds a Work Session on the 3rd Monday of each month, ahead of the public hearing, to discuss the agenda items. The purpose of the public hearing is for the Commission to hear the zoning case and make a recommendation to the City of Ball Ground for approval or denial.

The Mayor and Council will render the final decision on a rezoning application following a public hearing. If a rezoning is in conjunction with an annexation, the annexation process must be completed before a rezoning is considered.

City fees for rezoning applications can be found in the adopted fee schedule linked on this page. Applicants should contact Cherokee County Planning and Zoning for any additional fees associated with the public hearing.

Variance Process:
Any project that requires a variance must have a pre-application meeting with City staff prior to submission of an application. The Board of Zoning Appeals is authorized to hear and decide on variance cases for the City. This body meets on an “as-needed” basis.

Development Permits:

Development plans must be submitted to the Ball Ground City Hall for all proposed developments within the City. The plans will be reviewed for compliance with all City Ordinances. Development permit fees are project specific and are assessed based on the time required for plan review, engineering review, and number of reviews required. The standards of the Cherokee County Water and Sewer Authority have been adopted for water and sewer construction.

Land Disturbing Permits:

The City of Ball Ground is not an issuing authority. All applications for land disturbing activity (LDA) within the City limits must be submitted to the Georgia EPD. No development permits will be issued unless proof of submission to the Georgia EPD is provided.

Sign Approval Process:
New signs and changes to existing signs are reviewed and approved by City staff on a rolling basis. No sign permit is required for maintenance, cleaning, safety modifications, or changes to the COPY AREA only. For more information, see the City’s sign regulations here.

Department Leadership:

Chris Luly, Director of Planning and Zoning

Chris has served as the Director of Planning and Zoning since 2021. Prior to his role as Director, he was Senior Planner for Cherokee County Planning and Zoning and acting planner for the City of Ball Ground for three years as a shared employee. He also held planning and zoning roles in the Charleston, SC area and Athens-Clarke County, GA.

Chris grew up in Cherokee County and obtained degrees from Auburn University and the University of Georgia.

The overarching goal of the Planning and Zoning Department is to fulfill the City’s vision, as determined by the citizens and elected leaders. We strive for orderly growth and development that neither encroaches on private property rights nor the quality of life for those that live and work in the City. The Department is tasked with managing the current and long-range planning, land development, GIS and more.

The Planning and Zoning Department stands for TRANSPARENCY, PREDICTABILITY, COORDINATION and FAIRNESS.

June 13, 2019

Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council
City of Ball Ground, Georgia
Ball Ground City Hall ~ 7:00 P.M.

June 13, 2019

Meeting called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem John Byrd in the absence of Mayor Rick Roberts

Present for the meeting
Mickey O’Malley – Council Member
Andrenia Stoner – Council Member
Donna England – Finance Director
Bryon Reeves – Chief of Police
Chris Luly – City Planner
Darrell Caudill, City Attorney
Eric Wilmarth, City Manager
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk
Donald Campbell – Cherokee Tribune

Absent – Council Members Frank Homiller and Lee Prettyman

Pledge of Allegiance

Brock Ryan of Interdev gave a presentation of the City of Ball Ground Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The GIS will provide useful information to staff as well the public.

City Planner Chris Luly continued the presentation explaining how valuable the system will be to staff. The system is expected to be accessible to the public sometime in July.

Announcements – City Manager Eric Wilmarth
June 29 – 7:00 PM Fly Betty Band
9:45 – Annual Fire Works Display
Ryan Turnage with Barrel House Coffee provided information about an event that will take place in downtown on Saturday, June 29, 2019. The event Cherokee Gives A _______, will be held in conjunction with other cities in Cherokee County with the proceeds going to Allison Chambers to help with medical expenses.

Consider Approval of May 9, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2019 Council Meeting as submitted in writing by the City Clerk.
Motion unanimously approved

Old Business
Consider Second Reading of Dynamic Breaking Ordinance
Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the second reading of the Dynamic Breaking Ordinance.
Motion unanimously approved

New Business
Consider First Reading of Application for New Alcoholic Beverage License
Applicant: Ryan Turnage Business: Barrel House Coffee Co., LLC
Location 275 Gilmer Ferry Road

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the first reading of the new Alcoholic Beverage License for Barrel House Coffee Co., LL.
Motion unanimously approved

Consider Adoption of Tentative Millage Rate for 2019 City Property Taxes

City Manager Wilmarth stated that based on the total net assessed value of the estimated certified tax digest for the current year and the actual certified tax digest and millage rate for the previous year, it is his recommendation to roll the millage rate back to 4.707 mills. This would deem the millage rate as revenue neutral.

As required by O.C.G.A. § 48‐5‐32.1 three public hearings will be held prior to the final adoption of the millage rate.

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to tentatively approve the 4.707 millage rate.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Consider Red Cross Facility Use Agreement

City Manager Wilmarth presented a Facility Use Agreement for council consideration between the American National Red Cross (Red Cross) and the City of Ball Ground. The agreement allows the American National Red Cross (Red Cross) to use the City of Ball Ground Community Center and City Gym as emergency shelter during a disaster.

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to approve the Facility Use Agreement as submitted by the American National Red Cross (Red Cross).
Motion Unanimously Approved

Consider Land Acquisition 2019-A
City Manager Wilmarth explained the Capital Improvement Project is a project that requires the purchase of property from five land owners on or along Roberts Lake Road and Long Swamp Creek. At this time the properties are identified 2019-A through 2019-E. Until such time the properties are under contract the property owners will remain anonymous. However, one of the propertied does involve the family of Mayor Roberts of which he is the trustee. Therefore, he is not present at the meeting tonight and has recused himself from all meetings and negations of the properties involved.
Following the information disclosed by City Manager Wilmarth Council Members moved forward with the discussion of the purchase to 2019-A.

City Manager Wilmarth proposed Council Members enter into a contract to purchase all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 11, of the 3rd District, 2nd Section, in the City of Ball Ground, Cherokee County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part of the sales agreement for the amount of $9,000.00.

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to enter into a sales agreement to purchase the property identified as 2019-A and further described in the above paragraph in the amount $9,000.00.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Consider Land Acquisition 2019-B
City Manager Wilmarth proposed Council Members enter into a contract to purchase all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 12, 13 and 14 of the 3rd District, 2nd Section, Cherokee County, Georgia, Parcel #03N076-02 and being 1.1 acre tract of land more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part of the sales agreement for the amount of $44,000.00.

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to purchase the property identified as 2019-B and further described in the above paragraph in the amount of $44,000.00.
Motion unanimously Approved

Consider Land Acquisition 2019-C

City Manager Wilmarth proposed Council Members enter into a contract to purchase all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 337 of the 4th District, 2nd Section, Cherokee County, Georgia, Parcel #04N04-031B and being a 1.34 acre tract of land more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part of the sales agreement in the amount $67,000.00

Council Member O’Malley put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member Stoner to purchase the property identified as 2019-C and further described in the above paragraph in the amount of $67,000.00.
Motion unanimously approved

Consider Land Acquisition 2019-D

City Manager Wilmarth proposed Council Members enter into a contract to purchase all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 12, 13, 312, 334, 335, 336, and 337 of the 3rd Districts, 2nd Section, Cherokee County, Georgia, Parcel # 03N07-062 and being 1.64 acre tract of land more particularly described in Exhibit “A” shaded in pink attached hereto and made a part of the sales agreement in the amount of $65,000.00.

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to purchase the property identified as 2019-D and further described in the above paragraph in the amount of $65,000.00
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Consider Land Acquisition 2019-E
City Manager Wilmarth proposed Council Members enter into a contract to purchase all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 14 and 15 of the 3rd District, and Land Lots 335 and 336 of the 4th District, 2nd Section, Cherokee County, Georgia, containing 45.42 acres, as shown as Tract 1 on a Boundary Survey for the City of Ball Ground, Prepared by: LMX, Inc. certified by Brett Sisson, G.R.L.S. No. 3158, dated: April 10, 2019 and being more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part of the sales agreement for the amount of $231,642.00.

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to purchase the property identified as 2019-E and further described in the above paragraph in the amount of $231,642.00.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Consider Approval of GEFA Loan Package
A Resolution was proposed authorizing the governing body of the City of Ball Ground to borrow but not to exceed $425,000.00 from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Administered by Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority to finance a portion of the costs of acquiring the land conservation project described in Exhibit A to the hereinafter defined Loan Agreement (the “Project”), pursuant to the terms of a Loan Agreement between the Borrower and the Lender.

Council Member Stoner put forth a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to approve the Resolution authorizing to borrow but not to exceed $425,000.00 from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Administered by Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority to finance a portion of the costs of acquiring the land conservation project described in Exhibit A to the hereinafter defined Loan Agreement (the “Project”), pursuant to the terms of a Loan Agreement between the Borrower and the Lender
Motion Unanimously Approved.

City Managers Report
Financial Report as of May 31, 2019
$940,373.80 total of all funds on deposit.

City Manager Wilmarth reported on other various projects and issues within the City.

Monthly report of police department activity was presented in writing by Chief Bryon Reeves.

Mayor Roberts Comments – None

Council Members Comments

Council Member Stoner remarked how much the city has changed since she first was elected to council. She stated it has been rewarding to see the city grow and prosper.

Council Member O’Malley stated the spring baseball season is over. The ball fields appear to be empty now, but it will not be long until the fall season will begin. Pickle Ball has become a very active sport and continues to gain momentum.

Public Comments

Executive Session (If Needed)


There being no further business for Council consideration Council Member Stoner mad a motion, Seconded by Council Member O’Malley to adjourn at 8:15 PM
Motion Unanimously Approved.

The minutes of this June 13, 2019 City Council Meeting approved this 11th Day of July 2019.

_______Absent_____________ ___________________________
Mayor, A. R. Roberts, III Mayor Pro Tem John Byrd

_______Absent_____________ _______________________________
Council Member Frank Homiller Council Member Mickey O’Malley

_______Absent_____________ ______________________________
Council Member Lee Prettyman Council Member Andrenia Stoner

Attest: _____________________________
Karen L. Jordan, City Clerk

Business Licensing

The Business License Department is responsible for the collection of Business License Fees, Occupational Taxes, and Alcohol Taxes including:

• Alcoholic Beverage Excise Taxes

• Financial Institution Taxes.

The Business License Department is also responsible for the issuances of privileged licensing including:

• Alcohol

• Bail bonds

• Pawnbrokers

• Precious Metals

• Taxi Cabs/Vehicles for hire

• Solid Waste Service Providers

• Temporary Use Licenses.

Business Licenses must be obtained prior to conducting business in the City Limits. Licenses must be renewed before February 1st of each year. New businesses opening after June 30th will pay a pro-rated fee for their license. For information about a business license, contact Karen Jordan/City Clerk at (770)735-2123 or email us.


You will find the Business License/Occupational Tax Application, a Business License/Affidavit Verifying Status, the Business License/eVerify Private Employer Affidavit, and the Business License/Occupational Tax Fee Schedule posted online  to download and complete. Mail or bring them to the City of Ball Ground offices.

Office of the Mayor

Mayor:  A. R. (Rick) Roberts, III

Rick Roberts has been Mayor of Ball Ground since 1988, with a break in term between 1993 and early 1996. Mayor Roberts was an organizer of Cherokee Bank, N.A. in Canton, GA and a Board Member and EVP/Chief Financial Officer for the bank from 1999 until 2014.  He is currently retired from banking.

Prior to that, he spent twenty years with Citizens Bank, Cherokee County, in various capacities, the last six years as Executive Vice President.

A Georgia native and lifelong resident, Roberts attended University of Georgia (BS-1976) and Georgia State University (MBA Program). He is married to Elaine Fraser, and they have two adult sons.

Contact Information

Office Phone:   770.735.2123
Cell Phone:  770.598.4549
Email Mayor Roberts

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Mayor of Ball Ground – 1988-1993, 1996-present
  • President, Cherokee Municipal Association, 1998-2001, 2006-2016
  • Member of the Cherokee County Municipal Planning Commission, 1987-2000
  • Board Member, Cherokee County Development Authority, 2000-present
  • Ball Ground STEM Academy Advisory Council Member, 1998-present
  • Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Board – 2001-2004 & 2008-2010
  • Graduate of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Leadership Institute, 1997
  • Served as Vice Chair of Cherokee Recreation and Parks Authority, 1994-2000
  • Member of the Reinhardt University Board of Trustees since 2009
  • Charter Class member of Leadership Cherokee 1988
  • Board member Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce 1996-2000
  • Member Rotary Club of Canton 1990-1997
  • Board member Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) 2006-2007; 2016-Present
  • Awarded Certificate of Recognition  from Georgia Municipal Training Institute/Carl Vincent Institute of Government 2006,  Certificate of Achievement 2009, and Certificate of Excellence 2017.
  • Georgia Municipal Association Board of Directors 2008-2010, 2014-present
  • Inducted into the Georgia Municipal Association Hall of Fame 2009(48th inductee)
  • Metro Atlanta Mayors Association Executive Committee 2006-2010; 2016 – Present
  • GMA Legislative Policy Committee 2010-2012

Office of the City Manager

City Manager:  Eric Wilmarth

The City Manager is responsible for providing oversight of the day-to-day activities of the city and project management on behalf of the Mayor and City Council. Other responsibilities include fiduciary responsibilities, public relations, policy implementation and coordination of City activities. The City Manager is appointed by the Mayor and serves at his pleasure.

About the City Manager…

Eric W. Wilmarth serves as the City Manager for the City of Ball Ground, Georgia, a rapidly growing City in northern Cherokee County with a population of approximately 2,600 people and combined annual operating budgets of approximately 3 million dollars. Having served in this position since 2001, he manages the operations of seven City departments and contract services.

Eric is a native of Kingsley, Pennsylvania, a retired Sergeant First Class and a veteran of the Persian Gulf War. He is married to Shena A. Mullins and together they have three children.

Contact Information:

Office Phone:  770/735.2123
Email City Manager

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Ball Ground City Manager 2000 – Present
  • Metropolitan Atlanta North Georgia Water Planning District Technical Coordinating Committee 2001 – 2004 and 2008-2010
  • Leadership Cherokee 2002
  • Regional Leadership Institute 2004
  • Class 3 Water Treatment Plant Operating License
  • Member of The Association of Water Professionals
  • Member of Georgia City-County Management Association
  • Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority Board Member 2017 – Present

Office of the City Clerk

City Clerk:  Karen Jordan

Appointed by the Mayor and Council, the City Clerk is the official record keeper for the City. Duties include recording and maintaining the Council’s official actions in the minutes, coordinating and distributing the agendas, maintaining contracts, ordinances, resolutions and agreements for the City, attesting signatures of the Mayor and Council, and keeping the City Seal. The City Clerk oversees the adoptions and publishing of the Code of Ordinances and helps to ensure that all open record requests are in accordance to the Open Records Act. The City Clerk also serves as the Superintendent of Elections for all City Elections.

About the City Clerk…

Ball Ground’s City Clerk is Karen L. Jordan. The City of Ball Ground hired Mrs. Jordan July 1, 1985. In 1993 she earned her Certified Municipal Clerk designation.

Contact Info

Email the City Clerk

Memberships & Affiliations

Mrs. Jordan is a member of the Georgia Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. In 2006 Karen was selected by her peers as the “State of Georgia Clerk of the Year”.   In 2018 Karen was elected to serve a one year term as President of the Georgia Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association.  Karen is also a member of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce and a graduate of Leadership Cherokee.

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